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95 lines
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module Data.NumIdr.PrimArray
import Data.IOArray.Prims
%default total
||| A wrapper for Idris's primitive array type.
record PrimArray a where
constructor MkPrimArray
arraySize : Nat
content : ArrayData a
length : PrimArray a -> Nat
length = arraySize
-- Private helper functions for ArrayData primitives
newArrayData : Nat -> a -> IO (ArrayData a)
newArrayData n x = fromPrim $ prim__newArray (cast n) x
arrayDataGet : Nat -> ArrayData a -> IO a
arrayDataGet n arr = fromPrim $ prim__arrayGet arr (cast n)
arrayDataSet : Nat -> a -> ArrayData a -> IO ()
arrayDataSet n x arr = fromPrim $ prim__arraySet arr (cast n) x
||| Construct an array from a list of "instructions" to write a
||| value to a particular index.
unsafeFromIns : Nat -> List (Nat, a) -> PrimArray a
unsafeFromIns size ins = unsafePerformIO $ do
arr <- newArrayData size (believe_me ())
for_ ins $ \(i,x) => arrayDataSet i x arr
pure $ MkPrimArray size arr
||| Create an array given its size and a function to generate
||| its elements by its index.
create : Nat -> (Nat -> a) -> PrimArray a
create size f = unsafePerformIO $ do
arr <- newArrayData size (believe_me ())
addToArray Z size arr
pure $ MkPrimArray size arr
addToArray : Nat -> Nat -> ArrayData a -> IO ()
addToArray loc Z arr = pure ()
addToArray loc (S n) arr
= do arrayDataSet loc (f loc) arr
addToArray (S loc) n arr
||| Index into a primitive array. This function is unsafe, as it
||| performs no boundary check on the index given.
index : Nat -> PrimArray a -> a
index n arr = unsafePerformIO $ arrayDataGet n $ content arr
||| A safe version of `index` that ensures the index entered is valid.
safeIndex : Nat -> PrimArray a -> Maybe a
safeIndex n arr = if n < length arr
then Just $ index n arr
else Nothing
||| Convert a primitive array to a list.
toList : PrimArray a -> List a
toList arr = iter (length arr) []
iter : Nat -> List a -> List a
iter Z acc = acc
iter (S n) acc = let el = index n arr
in iter n (el :: acc)
||| Construct a primitive array from a list.
fromList : List a -> PrimArray a
fromList xs = create (length xs)
(\n => assert_total $ fromJust $ getAt n xs)
fromJust : Maybe a -> a
fromJust (Just x) = x
||| Map a function over a primitive array.
map : (a -> b) -> PrimArray a -> PrimArray b
map f arr = create (length arr) (\n => f $ index n arr)