
94 lines
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||| This module defines tensor products, which are later used to define
||| the concept of profunctor strength. The two primary tensor products
||| in `Idr` are the product (`Pair`) and the coproduct (`Either`).
module Data.Tensor
%default total
-- Tensor products
||| A bifunctor that admits an *associator*, i.e. a bifunctor that is
||| associative up to isomorphism.
||| Laws:
||| * `mapFst assoc.rightToLeft . assoc.leftToRight . assoc.leftToRight = assoc.leftToRight . mapSnd assoc.leftToRight`
public export
interface Bifunctor ten => Associative ten where
assoc : a `ten` (b `ten` c) <=> (a `ten` b) `ten` c
||| A bifunctor that admits a swap map, i.e. a bifunctor that is
||| symmetric up to isomorphism.
||| The bifunctor `ten` is generally also associative.
public export
interface Bifunctor ten => Symmetric ten where
swap : a `ten` b -> b `ten` a
swap = symmetric.leftToRight
symmetric : a `ten` b <=> b `ten` a
symmetric = MkEquivalence swap swap
||| A tensor product is an associative bifunctor that has an identity element
||| up to isomorphism. Tensor products constitute the monoidal structure of a
||| monoidal category.
||| Laws:
||| * `mapSnd unitl.leftToRight = mapFst unitr.leftToRight . assoc.leftToRight`
public export
interface Associative ten => Tensor ten i | ten where
unitl : i `ten` a <=> a
unitr : a `ten` i <=> a
-- Cartesian monoidal structure
Associative Pair where
assoc = MkEquivalence (\(x,(y,z)) => ((x,y),z)) (\((x,y),z) => (x,(y,z)))
Symmetric Pair where
swap = Builtin.swap
Tensor Pair () where
unitl = MkEquivalence snd ((),)
unitr = MkEquivalence fst (,())
-- Cocartesian monoidal structure
Associative Either where
assoc = MkEquivalence f b
f : forall a,b,c. Either a (Either b c) -> Either (Either a b) c
f (Left x) = Left (Left x)
f (Right (Left x)) = Left (Right x)
f (Right (Right x)) = Right x
b : forall a,b,c. Either (Either a b) c -> Either a (Either b c)
b (Left (Left x)) = Left x
b (Left (Right x)) = Right (Left x)
b (Right x) = Right (Right x)
Symmetric Either where
swap = either Right Left
Tensor Either Void where
unitl = MkEquivalence (either absurd id) Right
unitr = MkEquivalence (either id absurd) Left