Implement LU and LUP decomposition

These implementations are absolutely terrible, but they'll work
for now. I'll refactor them when there are more library features available.
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Kiana Sheibani 2022-08-31 15:41:24 -04:00
parent 3246e0ed94
commit ea824a901b
Signed by: toki
GPG key ID: 6CB106C25E86A9F7
2 changed files with 141 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -27,6 +27,10 @@ public export
public export
head : NP f (t :: ts) -> f t
head (x :: _) = x
public export public export
index : (i : Fin n) -> NP {n} f ts -> f (index i ts) index : (i : Fin n) -> NP {n} f ts -> f (index i ts)
index FZ (x :: xs) = x index FZ (x :: xs) = x

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@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
module Data.NumIdr.Matrix module Data.NumIdr.Matrix
import Data.List
import Data.Vect import Data.Vect
import Data.Bool.Xor
import Data.NumIdr.Multiply import Data.NumIdr.Multiply
import public Data.NumIdr.Array import public Data.NumIdr.Array
import Data.NumIdr.Vector import Data.NumIdr.Vector
@ -90,12 +92,12 @@ indexNB m n = indexNB [m,n]
||| Return a row of the matrix as a vector. ||| Return a row of the matrix as a vector.
export export
getRow : Fin m -> Matrix m n a -> Vector n a getRow : Fin m -> Matrix m n a -> Vector n a
getRow r mat = rewrite sym (minusZeroRight n) in indexRange [One r, All] mat getRow r mat = rewrite sym (rangeLenZ n) in mat !!.. [One r, All]
||| Return a column of the matrix as a vector. ||| Return a column of the matrix as a vector.
export export
getColumn : Fin n -> Matrix m n a -> Vector m a getColumn : Fin n -> Matrix m n a -> Vector m a
getColumn c mat = rewrite sym (minusZeroRight m) in indexRange [All, One c] mat getColumn c mat = rewrite sym (rangeLenZ m) in mat !!.. [All, One c]
export export
@ -109,8 +111,14 @@ diagonal mat with (viewShape mat)
_ | Shape [n,n] = fromFunctionNB [n] (\[i] => mat!#[i,i]) _ | Shape [n,n] = fromFunctionNB [n] (\[i] => mat!#[i,i])
-- TODO: throw an actual proof in here to avoid the unsafety
minor : Fin (S m) -> Fin (S n) -> Matrix (S m) (S n) a -> Matrix m n a
minor i j mat = believe_me $ mat !!.. [Filter (/=i), Filter (/=j)]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Operations -- Basic operations
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
||| Concatenate two matrices vertically. ||| Concatenate two matrices vertically.
@ -124,6 +132,25 @@ hconcat : Matrix m n a -> Matrix m n' a -> Matrix m (n + n') a
hconcat = concat 1 hconcat = concat 1
vstack : {n : _} -> Vect m (Vector n a) -> Matrix m n a
vstack = stack 0
hstack : {m : _} -> Vect n (Vector m a) -> Matrix m n a
hstack = stack 1
transpose : Matrix m n a -> Matrix n m a
transpose mat with (viewShape mat)
_ | Shape [m,n] = fromFunctionNB [n,m] (\[i,j] => mat!#[j,i])
(.T) : Matrix m n a -> Matrix n m a
(.T) = transpose
||| Calculate the outer product of two vectors as a matrix. ||| Calculate the outer product of two vectors as a matrix.
export export
outer : Num a => Vector m a -> Vector n a -> Matrix m n a outer : Num a => Vector m a -> Vector n a -> Matrix m n a
@ -136,25 +163,6 @@ trace : Num a => Matrix m n a -> a
trace = sum . diagonal' trace = sum . diagonal'
det : Neg a => Matrix' n a -> a
det {n} mat with (viewShape mat)
det {n=0} mat | Shape [0,0] = 1
det {n=1} mat | Shape [1,1] = mat!![0,0]
det {n=2} mat | Shape [2,2] = let [a,b,c,d] = elements mat in a * d - b * c
_ | Shape [n,n] = sum $
map (\(p,s) => s * product (map (\i => indexUnsafe [finToNat i,index i p] mat) range))
$ permutations n
-- Compute all permutations
permutations : (n : Nat) -> List (Vect n Nat, a)
permutations Z = [([], 1)]
permutations (S n) = do (p,s) <- permutations n
i <- toList $ range {len=S n}
pure (insertAt i Z (map S p),
if (finToNat i) `mod` 2 == 0 then s else -s)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Matrix multiplication -- Matrix multiplication
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -177,10 +185,111 @@ export
identity = repeatDiag 1 0 identity = repeatDiag 1 0
-- Matrix decomposition
-- LU Decomposition
public export
record DecompLU {0 n,a : _} (mat : Matrix' n a) where
constructor MkLU
lower, upper : Matrix' n a
export export
{n : _} -> Neg a => Fractional a => MultGroup (Matrix' n a) where Show a => Show (DecompLU {a} mat) where
inverse {n=0} mat = mat showPrec p (MkLU l u) = showCon p "MkLU" $ showArg l ++ showArg u
inverse {n=1} mat = recip mat
inverse {n=2} mat = let [a,b,c,d] = elements mat
in recip (det mat) *. matrix [[d,-b],[-c,a]] iterateN : (n : Nat) -> (Fin n -> a -> a) -> a -> a
inverse {n} mat = ?matrixInverse iterateN 0 f x = x
iterateN 1 f x = f FZ x
iterateN (S n@(S _)) f x = iterateN n (f . FS) $ f FZ x
decompLU : Neg a => Fractional a => (mat : Matrix' n a) -> DecompLU mat
decompLU {n} mat with (viewShape mat)
_ | Shape [n,n] = iterateN n doolittle (MkLU identity mat)
doolittle : Fin n -> DecompLU mat -> DecompLU mat
doolittle i (MkLU l u) =
let v = rewrite rangeLen (S i') n in fromFunctionNB [minus n (S i')]
(\[x] => u!#[S i' + x,i'] / u!#[i',i'])
low = indexSetRange [StartBound (FS i), One i] (-v) identity
in MkLU (indexSetRange [StartBound (FS i), One i] v l) (low *. u)
where i' : Nat
i' = cast i
-- LUP Decomposition
public export
record DecompLUP {0 n,a : _} (mat : Matrix' n a) where
constructor MkLUP
lower, upper, permute : Matrix' n a
swaps : Nat
Show a => Show (DecompLUP {a} mat) where
showPrec p (MkLUP l u pr b) = showCon p "MkLUP" $
showArg l ++ showArg u ++ showArg pr ++ showArg b
fromLU : Num a => DecompLU {n,a} mat -> DecompLUP mat
fromLU {n} (MkLU l u) with (viewShape l)
_ | Shape [n,n] = MkLUP l u identity 0
decompLUP : Ord a => Abs a => Neg a => Fractional a =>
(mat : Matrix' n a) -> DecompLUP mat
decompLUP {n} mat with (viewShape mat)
decompLUP {n=0} mat | Shape [0,0] = MkLUP mat mat mat 0
decompLUP {n=S n} mat | Shape [S n,S n] =
iterateN (S n) doolittle (MkLUP identity mat identity 0)
maxIndex : (s,a) -> List (s,a) -> (s,a)
maxIndex x [] = x
maxIndex _ [x] = x
maxIndex x ((a,b)::(c,d)::xs) =
if abs b < abs d then assert_total $ maxIndex x ((c,d)::xs)
else assert_total $ maxIndex x ((a,b)::xs)
doolittle : Fin (S n) -> DecompLUP mat -> DecompLUP mat
doolittle i (MkLUP l u p sw) =
let (maxi, maxv) = mapFst ((+i') . head)
(maxIndex ([0],0) $ enumerateNB $
u !!.. [StartBound (weaken i), One i])
u' = if maxi == i' then u
else fromFunctionNB _ (\[x,y] =>
if x==i' then u!#[maxi,y]
else if x==maxi then u!#[i',y]
else u!#[x,y])
p' = if maxi == i' then p
else fromFunctionNB _ (\[x,y] =>
if x==i' then p!#[maxi,y]
else if x==maxi then p!#[i',y]
else p!#[x,y])
v = rewrite rangeLen (S i') (S n) in fromFunctionNB [minus n i']
(\[x] => u'!#[S i' + x,i'] / u'!#[i',i'])
low = indexSetRange [StartBound (FS i), One i] (-v) identity
in if maxv == 0 then MkLUP l u p sw else
MkLUP (indexSetRange [StartBound (FS i), One i] v l)
(low *. u') p' (if maxi==i' then S sw else sw)
where i' : Nat
i' = cast i
-- Matrix properties
det : Ord a => Abs a => Neg a => Fractional a =>
Matrix' n a -> a
det {n} mat with (viewShape mat)
det {n=0} mat | Shape [0,0] = 1
det {n=1} mat | Shape [1,1] = mat!![0,0]
det {n=2} mat | Shape [2,2] = let [a,b,c,d] = elements mat in a*d - b*c
_ | Shape [n,n] = let MkLUP l u p sw = decompLUP mat
in (if sw `mod` 2 == 0 then 1 else -1)
* product (diagonal l) * product (diagonal u)