Implement matrix determinant

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Kiana Sheibani 2022-08-04 15:19:20 -04:00
parent 8384f8f68b
commit 8f1eef25dc
Signed by: toki
GPG key ID: 6CB106C25E86A9F7

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@ -124,13 +124,37 @@ hconcat : Matrix m n a -> Matrix m n' a -> Matrix m (n + n') a
hconcat = concat 1
||| Calculate the kronecker product of two vectors as a matrix.
||| Calculate the outer product of two vectors as a matrix.
kronecker : Num a => Vector m a -> Vector n a -> Matrix m n a
kronecker a b with (viewShape a, viewShape b)
outer : Num a => Vector m a -> Vector n a -> Matrix m n a
outer a b with (viewShape a, viewShape b)
_ | (Shape [m], Shape [n]) = fromFunction [m,n] (\[i,j] => a!!i * b!!j)
trace : Num a => Matrix m n a -> a
trace = sum . diagonal'
det : Neg a => Matrix' n a -> a
det {n} mat with (viewShape mat)
det {n=0} mat | Shape [0,0] = 1
det {n=1} mat | Shape [1,1] = mat!![0,0]
det {n=2} mat | Shape [2,2] = let [a,b,c,d] = elements mat in a * d - b * c
_ | Shape [n,n] = sum $
map (\(p,s) => s * product (map (\i => indexUnsafe [finToNat i,index i p] mat) range))
$ permutations n
-- Compute all permutations
permutations : (n : Nat) -> List (Vect n Nat, a)
permutations Z = [([], 1)]
permutations (S n) = do (p,s) <- permutations n
i <- toList $ range {len=S n}
pure (insertAt i Z (map S p),
if (finToNat i) `mod` 2 == 0 then s else -s)
-- Matrix multiplication
@ -155,3 +179,8 @@ export
{n : _} -> Neg a => Fractional a => MultGroup (Matrix' n a) where
inverse {n=0} mat = mat
inverse {n=1} mat = recip mat
inverse {n=2} mat = let [a,b,c,d] = elements mat
in recip (det mat) *. matrix [[d,-b],[-c,a]]
inverse {n} mat = ?matrixInverse