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2024-04-24 18:59:47 -04:00
# Working with Vectors and Matrices
2024-05-06 02:35:07 -04:00
As linear algebra is one of the main concerns of NumIdr, most of its provided functions are dedicated to vectors (rank-1 arrays) and matrices (rank-2 arrays).
## The Generalized Multiplication Operator
A linear algebra library wouldn't be very useful without matrix multiplication! While Idris's standard `(*)` operator would be a natural choice for this, the `Num` interface only allows for homogeneous multiplication, in which the inputs and output are all of the same type. To get around this, `(*)` is used for element-wise multiplication (a.k.a. the Hadamard product), and NumIdr defines a new interface `Mult`:
interface Mult a b c where
(*.) : a -> b -> c
-- Synonym for homogeneous cases:
Mult' : Type -> Type
Mult' a = Mult a a a
The generalized multiplication operator `(*.)` covers matrix multiplication, scalar-vector multiplication, and any other operation that's vaguely multiplication-like.
## Vectors
### Algebraic Operations
Vectors can be added together with `(+)`, which performs element-wise addition. Scalar-vector multiplication is done with the generalized multiplication operator `(*.)`.
2 *. (vector [1, 1] + vector [2, 3])
== vector [6, 8]
A few other basic linear algebra operations are available:
- `dot`, The dot product
- `cross`, The cross product
- `perp`, The perpendicular product (sometimes called the 2D cross product)
- `triple`, The scalar triple product
### Indexing
NumIdr provides special versions of `index` and `indexNB` and their infix forms `(!!)` and `(!?)` for use with vectors. These take a single numeric index instead of a list.
Vector.index 2 v == index [2] v
v !! 2 == v !! [2]
For convenience, when working with two- or three-dimensional vectors, there are postfix accessors `(.x)`, `(.y)`, and `(.z)`:
v = vector [5, 6, 2]
v.x == 5
v.y == 6
v.z == 2
### Other Operations
- `toVect` - Convert a vector into a `Vect`
- `dim` - Returns the vector's length
- `(++)` - Concatenate two vectors
## Matrices
### Arithmetic Operations
Like vectors, matrices can be added together using `(+)`. Matrix multiplication, as well as matrix-vector and matrix-scalar multiplication, are performed using `(*.)`.
For the purposes of working with matrices and matrix-like objects, the sub-interfaces `MultMonoid` and `MultGroup` are defined:
interface Mult' a => MultMonoid a where
identity : a
interface MultMonoid a => MultGroup a where
inverse : a -> a
The `identity` function returns an identity matrix, and `inverse` calculates a matrix's inverse. Note that `inverse` cannot tell you if an inverse of your matrix does not exist; if you want to handle that case, use `tryInverse` instead.
tryInverse : FieldCmp a => Matrix' n a -> Maybe (Matrix' n a)
#### LU and LUP Decomposition
The functions `decompLU` and `decompLUP` compute LU and LUP decomposition on a matrix.
decompLU : Field a => (mat : Matrix m n a) -> Maybe (DecompLU mat)
decompLUP : FieldCmp a => (mat : Matrix m n a) -> DecompLUP mat
`DecompLU` and `DecompLUP` are record types holding the results of the corresponding decomposition. The accessors `lower`, `upper` and `permute` can be applied to get each component of the decomposition; `lower` and `upper` return matrices, and `permute` returns a `Permutation` value.
#### Other Algebraic Operations
- `trace` - The sum of the matrix's diagonal
- `outer` - The matrix-valued outer product (or tensor product) of two vectors
- `det` - Determinant of the matrix
- `solve` - Apply an inverse matrix to a vector, useful for solving linear equations
The `det` and `solve` operations require computing an LUP decomposition, which can be expensive. To avoid duplicating work, the variants `detWithLUP` and `solveWithLUP` allow a pre-computed LUP decomposition to be passed in.
det m == detWithLUP m (decompLUP m)
### Indexing
Aside from the usual array indexing functions, there are a few functions specialized to matrix indexing:
- `getRow` and `getColumn` - Returns a specific row or column of the matrix
- `diagonal` - Returns the diagonal elements of the matrix as a vector
- `minor` - Removes a single row and column from the matrix
2024-04-25 13:37:59 -04:00
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