
115 lines
4.3 KiB

{ pkgs, ... }:
modifier = "Mod1";
terminal = "alacritty";
bgimg = "What_Space_Really_Looks_Like_2880x1800.png";
in {
home.sessionVariables = {
home.packages = with pkgs; [ swayidle wl-clipboard wlroots ];
wayland.windowManager.sway = {
enable = true;
wrapperFeatures.gtk = true;
config = {
inherit modifier terminal;
menu = "wofi --show drun";
fonts = {
names = [ "UbuntuMono" ];
style = "Medium";
size = 11.0;
bars = [{ command = "waybar"; }];
window.border = 1;
gaps = {
inner = 10;
outer = 5;
colors = {
unfocused.border = "#333333";
unfocused.background = "#000000a0";
unfocused.text = "#a0a0a0";
unfocused.indicator = "#2d292e";
unfocused.childBorder = "#333333";
focused.border = "#808080";
focused.background = "#000000";
focused.text = "#ffffff";
focused.indicator = "#2d292e";
focused.childBorder = "#ffffff";
focusedInactive.border = "#333333";
focusedInactive.background = "#000000";
focusedInactive.text = "#ffffff";
focusedInactive.indicator = "#4e4850";
focusedInactive.childBorder = "#333333";
urgent.border = "#000000";
urgent.background = "#900000";
urgent.text = "#ffffff";
urgent.indicator = "#900000";
urgent.childBorder = "#000000";
startup = map (x: { command = x; }) [
# Make wob channels
''mkfifo $SWAYSOCK.volume.wob && tail -f $SWAYSOCK.volume.wob | wob''
''mkfifo $SWAYSOCK.brightness.wob && tail -f $SWAYSOCK.brightness.wob | wob \
--border-color "#FFFF00FF" --bar-color "#FFFF00FF"''
''swayidle timeout 120 'swaylock -f --grace=180' \
timeout 600 'systemctl suspend' \
before-sleep 'swaylock -f' ''
''export XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland''
''export XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=sway''
keybindings = let
# Volume using pamixer and wob
audio-disp = ''pamixer --get-volume > $SWAYSOCK.volume.wob'';
audio = cmd: "exec pamixer ${cmd} && ${audio-disp}";
# Brightness using brightnessctl and wob
brightness-disp = ''brightnessctl -m | cut -d "," -f4 | tr -d "%" > $SWAYSOCK.brightness.wob'';
brightness = x: "exec brightnessctl set ${x} && ${brightness-disp}";
# Play controls using playerctl
playerctl = cmd: "exec playerctl ${cmd}";
in pkgs.lib.mkOptionDefault {
"${modifier}+Shift+d" = ''exec wofi --show run'';
"${modifier}+Shift+l" = ''exec swaylock --grace=30'';
# Screenshot
"Print" = ''exec grim -o $(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%m-%s)'';
"Shift+Print" = ''exec grim -g "$(slurp)" -o $(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%m-%s)'';
"${modifier}+Print" = ''grim -g "$(swaymsg -t get_tree | jq -j '.. | select(.type?) | select(.focused).rect | "\(.x),\(.y) \(.width)x\(.height)"')" -o $(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%m-%s)'';
# Special XF86 key bindings
"XF86AudioRaiseVolume" = audio "-ui 2";
"XF86AudioLowerVolume" = audio "-ud 2";
"Shift+XF86AudioRaiseVolume" = audio "-ui 2 --allow-boost";
"Shift+XF86AudioLowerVolume" = audio "-ud 2 --allow-boost";
"XF86AudioMute" = ''exec pamixer --toggle-mute'';
"XF86AudioMicMute" = ''exec pactl set-source-mute @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ toggle'';
"XF86MonBrightnessDown" = brightness "4%-";
"XF86MonBrightnessUp" = brightness "+4%";
"XF86AudioPlay" = playerctl "play-pause";
"XF86AudioNext" = playerctl "next";
"XF86AudioPrev" = playerctl "previous";
# Exit
"${modifier}+Shift+e" = ''exec swaynag -t warning -m 'You pressed the exit shortcut. Do you really want to exit sway? This will end your Wayland session.' -b 'Yes, exit sway' 'swaymsg exit' '';
output."*" = {
bg = "${./background/${bgimg}} fill";