
71 lines
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module Kinematics.Inverse
import Data.List
import Data.Vect
import Data.Fuel
import Data.NumIdr
import public Kinematics.Arm
import Kinematics.Forward
%default total
Simplex : ArmElement n -> Type
Simplex arm = Vect (S $ countJoints arm) (ArmConfig arm)
initialSimplex : (arm : ArmElement n) -> Maybe (Simplex arm)
initialSimplex arm =
let limits = getLimits arm
orig = vector $ map (\(a,b) => (a+b)/2) limits
variance = vector $ map (\(a,b) => a*0.4+b*0.6) limits
in guard (all (uncurry (<)) limits)
$> map (\case
FZ => orig
FS i => indexSet [i] (variance !! i) orig)
inverse : {n : _} -> (fuel : Fuel) -> (arm : ArmElement n) -> Point n Double
-> {auto 0 ok : IsSucc (countJoints arm)} -> Maybe (ArmConfig arm)
inverse fuel arm p = go fuel !(initialSimplex arm)
sndLast : forall n. {auto 0 ok : IsSucc n} -> Vect (S n) a -> a
sndLast {n=S n,ok=ItIsSucc} v = last $ init v
cost : ArmConfig arm -> Maybe Double
cost c = map (\p' => normSq $ p -. p') (forward arm c)
-- The standard library currently doesn't have sorting for Vects,
-- so we have to improvise a bit.
sort : Simplex arm -> Simplex arm
sort s = believe_me $ Vect.fromList $ sortBy (compare `on` cost) $ toList s
go : Fuel -> Simplex arm -> Maybe (ArmConfig arm)
go Dry _ = Nothing
go (More fuel) simplex = do
guard (all (and . zipWith (\(a,b),x => a <= x && x <= b)
(getLimits arm) . toVect) simplex) *>
let simplex = unsafePerformIO (let s = sort simplex in printLn s $> s)
best = head simplex
cbest = !(cost best)
in if cbest < 0.00001 then Just best
else let
worst = last simplex
cworst = !(cost worst)
centroid = sum (init simplex) *. (recip $ cast {to=Double} $ countJoints arm)
costcen = !(cost centroid)
vertexr = centroid *. 2.0 - worst
cvr = !(cost vertexr)
in if cvr >= cbest && cvr < !(cost $ sndLast simplex)
then go fuel $ replaceAt last vertexr simplex
else if cvr < cbest
then let vertexe = centroid + 2.0 *. (vertexr - centroid)
in go fuel $ replaceAt last (if !(cost vertexe) < cvr then vertexe else vertexr) simplex
else let
comp = cvr < cworst
vertexc = centroid + 0.5 *. ((if comp then vertexr else worst) - centroid)
in if costcen < min cvr cworst
then go fuel $ replaceAt last vertexc simplex
else go fuel $ best :: map (\vrt => best + 0.5 *. (vrt - best)) (tail simplex)