Add more utility functions

This commit is contained in:
Kiana Sheibani 2023-04-14 13:16:08 -04:00
parent 2585e9eb04
commit 9fcd3c8829
Signed by: toki
GPG key ID: 6CB106C25E86A9F7
8 changed files with 208 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
module Control.Applicative.Indexing
import Data.Contravariant
%default total
public export
record Indexing {0 k : Type} f (a : k) where
constructor MkIndexing
runIndexing : Nat -> (Nat, f a)
public export
Functor f => Functor (Indexing f) where
map f (MkIndexing g) = MkIndexing (mapSnd (map f) . g)
public export
Applicative f => Applicative (Indexing f) where
pure x = MkIndexing $ \i => (i, pure x)
MkIndexing mf <*> MkIndexing ma = MkIndexing $ \i =>
let (j, ff) = mf i
(k, fa) = ma j
in (k, ff <*> fa)
public export
Contravariant f => Contravariant (Indexing f) where
contramap f (MkIndexing g) = MkIndexing (mapSnd (contramap f) . g)
public export
indexing : ((a -> Indexing f b) -> s -> Indexing f t) -> (Nat -> a -> f b) -> s -> f t
indexing l fn s = snd $ runIndexing {f} (l (\x => MkIndexing $ \i => (S i, fn i x)) s) 0

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@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ substEq : forall p. Equality s t a b -> p a b a b -> p s t a b
substEq {p} l = l {p = \x,y => p x y a b}
||| A trivial `Simple Equality`.
||| The trivial `Simple Equality`.
||| Composing this optic with any other can force it to be a `Simple` optic.
public export
simple : Equality' a a

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@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ folding @{_} f @{MkIsFold _} = rphantom . contramapFst f . wander traverse_
||| Reverse the order of a fold's focuses.
public export
backwardsFold : Fold s a -> Fold s a
backwardsFold l @{MkIsFold _} = rphantom . wander func
backwards : Fold s a -> Fold s a
backwards l @{MkIsFold _} = rphantom . wander func
traversing : Applicative f => Traversing (Forget (f ()))
traversing =
@ -82,6 +82,16 @@ backwardsFold l @{MkIsFold _} = rphantom . wander func
func fn = let _ = traversing in
forwards . runForget (l $ MkForget (MkBackwards {f} . ignore . fn))
||| Construct a fold that replicates the input n times.
public export
replicated : Nat -> Fold a a
replicated n @{MkIsFold _} = rphantom . wander (\f,x => rep n (f x))
rep : Applicative f => Nat -> f a -> f ()
rep Z _ = pure ()
rep (S Z) x = ignore x
rep (S n@(S _)) x = x *> rep n x
||| Map each focus of an optic to a monoid value and combine them.
public export
@ -105,6 +115,11 @@ public export
concatOf : Monoid m => Fold s m -> s -> m
concatOf l = foldMapOf l id
||| Fold over the focuses of an optic using Alternative.
public export
choiceOf : Alternative f => Fold s (Lazy (f a)) -> s -> f a
choiceOf = force .: concatOf @{MonoidAlternative}
||| Evaluate each computation of an optic and discard the results.
public export
sequenceOf_ : Applicative f => Fold s (f a) -> s -> f ()
@ -146,6 +161,32 @@ anyOf : Fold s a -> (a -> Bool) -> s -> Bool
anyOf = foldMapOf @{Any}
||| Return `True` if the element occurs in the focuses of the optic.
public export
elemOf : Eq a => Fold s a -> a -> s -> Bool
elemOf l = allOf l . (==)
||| Calculate the number of focuses of the optic.
public export
lengthOf : Fold s a -> s -> Nat
lengthOf l = foldMapOf @{Additive} l (const 1)
||| Access the first focus value of an optic, returning `Nothing` if there are
||| no focuses.
||| This is identical to `preview`.
public export
firstOf : Fold s a -> s -> Maybe a
firstOf l = foldMapOf l Just
||| Access the last focus value of an optic, returning `Nothing` if there are
||| no focuses.
public export
lastOf : Fold s a -> s -> Maybe a
lastOf l = foldMapOf @{MkMonoid @{MkSemigroup $ flip (<+>)} neutral} l Just
-- Accessing folds
@ -166,13 +207,15 @@ hasn't l = allOf l (const False)
||| returning `Nothing` if there are no focuses.
public export
previews : Fold s a -> (a -> r) -> s -> Maybe r
previews l f = foldMapOf @{MonoidAlternative} l (Just . f)
previews l f = foldMapOf l (Just . f)
||| Access the first focus value of an optic, returning `Nothing` if there are
||| no focuses.
||| This is an alias for `firstOf`.
public export
preview : Fold s a -> s -> Maybe a
preview l = foldMapOf @{MonoidAlternative} l Just
preview = firstOf
infixl 8 ^?
@ -185,12 +228,24 @@ public export
(^?) s l = preview l s
||| Convert a `Fold` into an `OptionalFold` that accesses the first focus element.
||| For the traversal version of this, see `singular`.
public export
pre : Fold s a -> OptionalFold s a
pre = folding . preview
||| Return a list of all focuses of a fold.
public export
toListOf : Fold s a -> s -> List a
toListOf l = foldrOf l (::) []
infixl 8 ^..
||| Return a list of all focuses of a fold.
||| This is the operator form of `toListOf`.
public export
(^..) : s -> Fold s a -> List a
(^..) s l = toListOf l s

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@ -42,6 +42,11 @@ public export
to : (s -> a) -> Getter s a
to f @{MkIsGetter _} = lmap f . rphantom
||| Construct a getter that always returns a constant value.
public export
like : a -> Getter s a
like = to . const
||| Access the value of an optic and apply a function to it, returning the result.
public export

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@ -90,6 +90,14 @@ public export
united : Lens' a ()
united @{MkIsLens _} = dimap ((),) snd . first
||| Create a lens that operates on pairs from two other lenses.
public export
alongside : Lens s t a b -> Lens s' t' a' b' -> Lens (s, s') (t, t') (a, a') (b, b')
alongside l l' =
let (get1, set1) = getLens l
(get2, set2) = getLens l'
in lens (bimap get1 get2) (uncurry bimap . bimap set1 set2)
||| Optimize a composition of optics by fusing their uses of `dimap` into one.

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@ -64,14 +64,7 @@ optional' prj = optional (\x => maybe (Left x) Right (prj x))
||| The trivial optic that has no focuses.
public export
ignored : Optional s s a b
ignored @{MkIsOptional _} = dimap @{fromStrong}
(\x => (Left x, const x))
(\(e, f) => either id (the (b -> s) f) e)
. first . right
-- arbitrary choice of where to pull profunctor instance from
fromStrong : Strong p => Profunctor p
fromStrong = %search
ignored = optional' (const Nothing) const
||| Extract projection and setter functions from an optional.
@ -96,3 +89,9 @@ getOptional l = l @{MkIsOptional (strong,choice)} (Right, const id)
public export
withOptional : Optional s t a b -> ((s -> Either t a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> r) -> r
withOptional l f = uncurry f (getOptional l)
||| Retrieve the focus value of an optional, or allow its type to change if there
||| is no focus.
public export
matching : Prism s t a b -> s -> Either t a
matching = snd . getPrism

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@ -81,3 +81,28 @@ nearly x p = prism' (const x) (guard . p)
public export
only : Eq a => a -> Prism' a ()
only x = nearly x (x ==)
||| Create a prism that operates on `Either` values from two other prisms.
||| This can be seen as dual to `alongside`.
public export
without : Prism s t a b -> Prism s' t' a' b' -> Prism (Either s s') (Either t t') (Either a a') (Either b b')
without l l' =
let (inj1, prj1) = getPrism l
(inj2, prj2) = getPrism l'
in prism (bimap inj1 inj2) (either (bimap Left Left . prj1) (bimap Right Right . prj2))
||| Lift a prism through a `Traversable` container.
||| The constructed prism will only match if all of the inner elements of the
||| `Traversable` container match.
public export
below : Traversable f => Prism' s a -> Prism' (f s) (f a)
below l = withPrism l $ \inj,prj =>
prism (map inj) $ \s => mapFst (const s) (traverse prj s)
||| Lift a prism through part of a product type.
public export
aside : Prism s t a b -> Prism (e, s) (e, t) (e, a) (e, b)
aside l = withPrism l $ \inj,prj => prism (map inj) $ \(e,s) => bimap (e,) (e,) (prj s)

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@ -5,8 +5,10 @@ import Data.Zippable
import Data.Profunctor
import Data.Profunctor.Traversing
import Control.Applicative.Backwards
import Control.Applicative.Indexing
import Control.Lens.Optic
import Control.Lens.Optional
import Control.Lens.Prism
%default total
@ -47,6 +49,12 @@ public export
traversed : Traversable t => Traversal (t a) (t b) a b
traversed @{_} @{MkIsTraversal _} = traverse'
||| Contstruct a traversal over a `Bitraversable` container with matching types.
public export
both : Bitraversable t => Traversal (t a a) (t b b) a b
both @{_} @{MkIsTraversal _} = wander (\f => bitraverse f f)
||| Reverse the order of a traversal's focuses.
public export
backwards : Traversal s t a b -> Traversal s t a b
@ -73,8 +81,8 @@ sequenceOf : Applicative f => Traversal s t (f a) a -> s -> f t
sequenceOf l = traverseOf l id
||| Fold across the focuses of a traversal from the leftmost focus, providing a
||| replacement value for each focus, and return the final accumulator along
||| with the new structure.
||| replacement value for each, and return the final accumulator along with the
||| new structure.
public export
mapAccumLOf : Traversal s t a b -> (acc -> a -> (acc, b)) -> acc -> s -> (acc, t)
mapAccumLOf l f z =
@ -82,8 +90,8 @@ mapAccumLOf l f z =
in runState z . traverseOf l g
||| Fold across the focuses of a traversal from the rightmost focus, providing a
||| replacement value for each focus, and return the final accumulator along
||| with the new structure.
||| replacement value for each, and return the final accumulator along with the
||| new structure.
public export
mapAccumROf : Traversal s t a b -> (acc -> a -> (acc, b)) -> acc -> s -> (acc, t)
mapAccumROf l f z =
@ -109,3 +117,61 @@ scanr1Of l f =
step Nothing x = (Just x, x)
step (Just s) x = let r = f s x in (Just r, r)
in snd . mapAccumROf l step Nothing
||| Try to map over a traversal, failing if the traversal has no focuses.
public export
failover : Alternative f => Traversal s t a b -> (a -> b) -> s -> f t
failover l f x =
let _ = Bool.Monoid.Any
(b, y) = traverseOf l ((True,) . f) x
in guard b $> y
||| Construct an optional that focuses on the first value of a traversal.
||| For the fold version of this, see `pre`.
public export
singular : Traversal' s a -> Optional' s a
singular l = optional' (runForget $ l (MkForget Just)) set
set : s -> a -> s
set str x = evalState True $ traverseOf l
(\y => if !get then put False $> x else pure y) str
||| Filter the focuses of a traversal by a predicate on their ordinal positions.
public export
elementsOf : Traversal s t a a -> (Nat -> Bool) -> Traversal s t a a
elementsOf l p @{MkIsTraversal _} = wander func
func : Applicative f => (a -> f a) -> s -> f t
func fn = indexing {f} (traverseOf l) $
\i,x => if p i then fn x else pure {f} x
||| Traverse over the elements of a `Traversable` container that satisfy a
||| predicate.
public export
elements : Traversable t => (Nat -> Bool) -> Traversal' (t a) a
elements = elementsOf traversed
||| Construct an optional that focuses on the nth element of a traversal.
public export
elementOf : Traversal' s a -> Nat -> Optional' s a
elementOf l n = singular $ elementsOf l (n ==)
||| Construct an optional that focuses on the nth element of a `Traversable`
||| container.
public export
element : Traversable t => Nat -> Optional' (t a) a
element = elementOf traversed
||| Limit a traversal to its first n focuses.
public export
taking : Nat -> Traversal s t a a -> Traversal s t a a
taking n l = elementsOf l (< n)
||| Remove the first n focuses from a traversal.
public export
dropping : Nat -> Traversal s t a a -> Traversal s t a a
dropping i l = elementsOf l (>= i)