#+TITLE: Window numbers for Emacs ! [[https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs][file:https://cdn.rawgit.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/442d025779da2f62fc86c2082703697714db6514/assets/spacemacs-badge.svg]] [[https://melpa.org/#/winum][file:https://melpa.org/packages/winum-badge.svg]] [[https://stable.melpa.org/#/winum][file:https://stable.melpa.org/packages/winum-badge.svg]] * Contents :TOC:noexport: - [[#introduction][Introduction]] - [[#whats-changed-since-window-numbering][What's changed since window-numbering]] - [[#installation][Installation]] - [[#using-melpa][Using Melpa]] - [[#manual-installation][Manual installation]] - [[#how-to-use][How to use]] - [[#configuration][Configuration]] - [[#keybindings][Keybindings]] - [[#customize-options][Customize options]] - [[#configuration-file-example][Configuration file example]] - [[#future-developments][Future developments]] * Introduction Window numbers for Emacs: Navigate your windows and frames using numbers ! This package is an extended and actively maintained version of the [[https://github.com/nschum/window-numbering.el][window-numbering]] package by Nikolaj Schumacher, with some ideas and code taken from [[https://github.com/abo-abo/ace-window][ace-window]]. This version brings, among other things, support for number sets across multiple frames, giving the user a smoother experience of multi-screen Emacs. * What's changed since window-numbering This package brings a lot of additions to the old window-numbering: - Number sets across multiple frames, giving a smoother experience of multi-screen Emacs - 3 possible scopes: frame-local, visible frames or all frames - =get-window-by-number= public function, needed in Spacemacs and for future developments. - Unlimited window numbers - =select-window-by-number= can now be used interactively to select a window using prefix arg or =read-from-minibuffer=, allowing the selection of an unlimited number. - Ignore buffers by name - =;;;###autoload= all functions that should have public visibility - Improved =customize= integration - Removed =window-numbering-before-assign-hook=, which just duplicated =window-numbering-assign-func= in a more complicated fashion - New default key bindings under the ~C-x w~ prefix, to be compliant with Emacs key bindings conventions and native Emacs key bindings - =winum-set-keymap-prefix= helper function to change the prefix more easily - More detailed README.org - Improved docstrings - Simplified implementation for better readability * Installation ** Using Melpa The recommended way of installing =winum= is from the [[https://melpa.org/#/winum][Melpa]] package repository: #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp M-x package-install RET winum RET #+END_SRC You will find instructions to setup Melpa [[https://github.com/melpa/melpa#usage][here]] if you don't have it setup yet. Once the package is installed, you need to load and activate =winum-mode= in your Emacs configuration: #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (require 'winum) (winum-mode) #+END_SRC ** Manual installation - Clone the repo: #+BEGIN_SRC shell cd /path/to/install/folder git clone https://github.com/deb0ch/winum.el #+END_SRC - Add the following to your Emacs configuration: #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/install/folder/winum.el/") (require 'winum) (winum-mode) #+END_SRC * How to use | Key binding | Description | |-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ~C-x w ~ | select window , where ranges from 0 to 9. A negative argument deletes the window. | | ~C-x w `~ | select window by number. Number can be given as prefix arg or will be read from minibuffer. | - =select-window-0-or-10= By default, ~C-x w 0~ is bound to =select-window-0-or-10=. If window 0 is not assigned, it will act on the window 10 instead. You can rebind this to the more straightforward =select-window-0= if you prefer. - =select-window-by-number= If you happen to have more than 10 windows, you can use the =select-window-by-number= function, bound by default to ~C-x w `~. This function allows several ways to input the window number: - Use a numbered prefix argument.\\ *Ex:* ~C-1 C-2 C-x w `~ to select window 12. - Use a negative prefix argument to delete the window.\\ *Ex:* ~C-- C-1 C-2 C-x w `~ to delete window 12. - Use the negative prefix argument to delete window 0.\\ *Ex:* ~C-- C-x w `~ to delete window 0. - Use the default prefix argument to delete current window.\\ *Ex:* ~C-u C-x w `~ to delete current window. - If no prefix argument ig given, a number is read from minibuffer. A negative input will delete the window instead of selecting it. * Configuration ** Keybindings The default prefix for key bindings is ~C-x w~ for compatibility with native Emacs bindings. If you don't like ~C-x w~, you can set a prefix of your choosing using the function =winum-set-keymap-prefix=: #+BEGIN_SRC elisp (winum-set-keymap-prefix (kbd "C-c")) #+END_SRC This function overrides the value of =winum-keymap=, so you should call it before customization of =winum-keymap= and/or after customization of =winum-base-map=. Its argument must be a key sequence, like the ones returned by =kbd=. If you prefer no to use a prefix and have even shorter bindings, you can also override =winum-keymap= in the minor mode bindings table: #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq winum-keymap (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map (kbd "C-`") 'winum-select-window-by-number) (define-key map (kbd "C-²") 'winum-select-window-by-number) (define-key map (kbd "M-0") 'winum-select-window-0-or-10) (define-key map (kbd "M-1") 'winum-select-window-1) (define-key map (kbd "M-2") 'winum-select-window-2) (define-key map (kbd "M-3") 'winum-select-window-3) (define-key map (kbd "M-4") 'winum-select-window-4) (define-key map (kbd "M-5") 'winum-select-window-5) (define-key map (kbd "M-6") 'winum-select-window-6) (define-key map (kbd "M-7") 'winum-select-window-7) (define-key map (kbd "M-8") 'winum-select-window-8) map)) (require 'winum) (winum-mode) #+END_SRC Note that it is important to set =winum-keymap= /before/ the =require=. You can also use the more conventional =define-key= on =winum-keymap=: #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (define-key winum-keymap (kbd "C-x y o l o") 'winum-select-window-by-number) #+END_SRC *NB:* Both ~`~ and ~²~ are mapped to =winum-select-window-by-number= by default to handle both =qwerty= and =azerty= keyboard layouts. If you are using a different kind of layout, the recommended place to map it is the key beside ~1~. ** Customize options Several options are available through Emacs' Customize interface under =convenience= > =winum=: - =winum-scope= Frames affected by a number set. Choices are 'frame-local 'visible or 'global. Default: 'global - =winum-reverse-frame-list= If t, order frames by reverse order of creation. Has effect only when =winum-scope= is not 'frame-local. Default: =nil= - =winum-auto-assign-0-to-minibuffer= If non-nil, =winum-mode= assigns 0 to the minibuffer if active. Default: =t= - =winum-assign-func= Function called for each window by =winum-mode=. This is called before automatic assignment begins. The function should return a number to have it assigned to the current-window, =nil= otherwise. This function along with `winum-auto-assign-0-to-minibuffer' are the only ways to have 0 assigned to a window. Example: always assign *Calculator* the number 9 and *NeoTree* the number 0: #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (defun my-winum-assign-func () (cond ((equal (buffer-name) "*Calculator*") 9) ((string-match-p (buffer-name) ".*\\*NeoTree\\*.*") 0) (t nil))) (setq winum-assign-func 'my-winum-assign-func) #+END_SRC Default: =nil= - =winum-auto-setup-mode-line= When nil, =winum-mode= will not display window numbers in the mode-line. You might want this to be nil if you use a package that already manages window numbers in the mode-line. Default: =t= - =winum-mode-line-position= The position in the mode-line =winum-mode= displays the number. Default: =1= - =winum-ignored-buffers= List of buffers to ignore when assigning numbers. Default: '(" *which-key*") - face: =winum-face= Face used for the number in the mode-line. ** Configuration file example Here is an example that you could put in your =.emacs=, which includes all available winum options. #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq winum-keymap (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map (kbd "C-`") 'winum-select-window-by-number) (define-key map (kbd "C-²") 'winum-select-window-by-number) (define-key map (kbd "M-0") 'winum-select-window-0-or-10) (define-key map (kbd "M-1") 'winum-select-window-1) (define-key map (kbd "M-2") 'winum-select-window-2) (define-key map (kbd "M-3") 'winum-select-window-3) (define-key map (kbd "M-4") 'winum-select-window-4) (define-key map (kbd "M-5") 'winum-select-window-5) (define-key map (kbd "M-6") 'winum-select-window-6) (define-key map (kbd "M-7") 'winum-select-window-7) (define-key map (kbd "M-8") 'winum-select-window-8) map)) (require 'winum) (defun my-winum-assign-func () (cond ((equal (buffer-name) "*Calculator*") 9) ((string-match-p (buffer-name) ".*\\*NeoTree\\*.*") 0) (t nil))) (set-face-attribute 'winum-face nil :weight 'bold) (setq window-numbering-scope 'global winum-reverse-frame-list nil winum-auto-assign-0-to-minibuffer t winum-assign-func 'my-winum-assign-func winum-auto-setup-mode-line t winum-mode-line-position 1 winum-ignored-buffers '(" *which-key*")) (winum-mode) #+END_SRC * Future developments - send buffer to numbered window Send current window's buffer to window N. With prefix argument focus will follow. - swap buffer with numbered window Same as previous, but will swap buffers instead of just sending them. - Evilify Adapt the package to the famous `evil-mode` and use a leader key. - Override native =other-window= (~C-x o~) to use window numbers - Autocomplete read-from-minibuffer - Add =winum-format= customize variable Format string for displaying the window number in the mode-line. Default to " %n " to get a space on each side of the window number. - Things that you have thought of and I haven't :smile_cat: