commit 259795a98d7eaf14f9578ea2aed780b699e578d3 Author: Kiana Sheibani Date: Mon Feb 19 18:00:05 2024 -0500 Initial commit diff --git a/assets/vanilla_emacs.png b/assets/vanilla_emacs.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a6deb44 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/vanilla_emacs.png differ diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a208375 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,2660 @@ +#+title: Doom Emacs Config +#+author: tokinanpa +#+email: +#+property: header-args :mkdirp yes :results silent :exports code :eval no-export +#+property: header-args:shell :tangle "" + +* Introduction + +#+begin_quote +Emacs outshines all other editing software in approximately the same way that +the noonday sun does the stars. It is not just bigger and brighter; it simply +makes everything else vanish. + + -- Neil Stephenson, /In the Beginning was the Command Line/ (1998) +#+end_quote + +*Hello!* + +This is a literate configuration for [[][Doom Emacs]]. + +** Background; or, My Emacs Story + +Given that you are currently reading an Emacs config, I will assume that you +already have a moderate understanding of what Emacs is and the ideas behind its +configuration system. If you do not, then [[][this section]] of the official Doom +Emacs documentation makes for a decent introduction. + +Rather than use this space to explain Emacs, I will instead use it to chronicle +my history with Emacs, how I got here, and what lessons should be taken away +from this experience. Don't worry, I promise it won't be long. + +*** In The Beginning + +My first brush with Emacs was in around 2019, when I installed it for use with +the proof assistant language Agda. I had vaguely heard tales about its beauty +and power, but I was nowhere near comfortable enough with config files and +programming in general to fully appreciate its capabilities (not to mention that +I was using Windows at the time). I bounced off of it pretty quickly because... +well, vanilla Emacs is just kinda terrible. + +#+caption[Vanilla Emacs]: Look at this and tell me that it doesn't look at least a little awful. +#+name: vanilla-emacs +[[file:assets/vanilla_emacs.png]] + +A few years later in 2022, after I had moved to the more sensible OS of Arch +Linux, I discovered that my preferred text editor [[][Atom]] was in the process of +being discontinued and began to look for a replacement. I tried Visual Studio +Code for a little while, but after some serious use I became dissatisfied with +how few options there were to customize it to fit my workflow. + +It was at this point that I started thinking about Emacs again. By chance, I +happened to stumble upon Doom Emacs, and it turned out to be exactly what I was +looking for: + +- Extreme flexibility +- Robust modular configuration system +- Sensible defaults +- Extensive ecosystem + +As I became more comfortable with configuration via scripting, I immersed myself +into the many utilities that make up the Emacs ecosystem: =org-mode=, =calfw=, =calc=, +=mu4e=. I started putting more and more time into tweaking these applications to +fit my needs, my files kept getting longer and longer, and eventually I fully +fell off the deep end and now we're here. + +*** TODO Literate Programming + +My first Doom Emacs config was hacked together directly from the generated +example config: no comments, no organization, nothing. ~after!~ and ~use-package!~ +blocks were scattered about the file without rhyme or reason, making it very +difficult to remember what any particular line of code was actually doing. I was +able to mitigate some of this issue by sorting my config into multiple files, +but at the end of the day it was a losing battle. The config directory was at +1200 lines of code before I decided that something needed to be done. + +I was considering what to do about this problem of organizational decay when I +came across [[][Tecosaur's config]] and learned about =org-mode='s literate programming +support. I had been using =org-mode= for several months at this point and was very +comfortable with it, so utilizing it to better organize my code seemed like a +good idea. + +*** =confpkg= + +As part of their literate config, Tecosaur implemented =confpkg=, an embedded +Emacs Lisp library that manages multiple aspects of config tangling: + +- Controlling what files each code block is tangled to +- Generating package files from templates +- Automatically detecting cross-section dependencies +- Reporting profiling information on config load times + +It's an incredibly impressive utility, and I highly recommend reading +[[][the section in their config]] on its design. I tried to read through it myself, +but I don't understand half of it; it's a bizarre mixture of exploits to hook +into =org-mode='s tangling process, self-modifying buffer shenanigans, and abuse +of various features of =org-babel=. + +Luckily, I don't need to be able to understand code in order to do what I do +best: press =Ctrl+C= and =Ctrl+V= in that order. Programming! + +If you're reading the raw org file instead of the published version, the code +for =confpkg= is below. It is mostly unchanged, aside from these tweaks: + +- Prevent the code from being exported +- Reorganize to get rid of superfluous noweb references +- Change the package template to contain my information + +**** Confpkg :noexport: +:PROPERTIES: +:header-args: :tangle no :noweb yes :mkdirp yes :results silent :eval no-export +:END: + +***** Preparation + +#+name: confpkg-prepare +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(condition-case nil + (progn + (message "Intitialising confpkg") + (org-fold-core-ignore-fragility-checks + (org-babel-map-executables nil + (when (eq (org-element-type (org-element-context)) 'babel-call) + (org-babel-lob-execute-maybe))))) + (quit (revert-buffer t t t))) +#+end_src + +#+header: :tangle (expand-file-name (make-temp-name "emacs-org-babel-excuses/confpkg-prepare-") temporary-file-directory) +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +<> +#+end_src + +***** Setup + +#+name: confpkg-setup +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent + +(setq confpkg--num 0 + confpkg--list nil) + +;; Dependency handling + +(defun confpkg--rough-extract-definitions (file) + (with-temp-buffer + (insert-file-contents file) + (goto-char (point-min)) + (let (symbols) + (while (re-search-forward + (rx line-start (* (any ?\s ?\t)) "(" + (or "defun" "defmacro" "defsubst" "defgeneric" "defalias" "defvar" "defcustom" "defface" "deftheme" + "cl-defun" "cl-defmacro" "cl-defsubst" "cl-defmethod" "cl-defstruct" "cl-defgeneric" "cl-deftype") + (+ (any ?\s ?\t)) + (group (+ (any "A-Z" "a-z" "0-9" + ?+ ?- ?* ?/ ?_ ?~ ?! ?@ ?$ ?% ?^ ?& ?= ?: ?< ?> ?{ ?}))) + (or blank ?\n)) + nil t) + (push (match-string 1) symbols)) + symbols))) + +(defun confpkg--rough-uses-p (file symbols) + (with-temp-buffer + (insert-file-contents file) + (let ((symbols (copy-sequence symbols)) uses-p) + (while symbols + (goto-char (point-min)) + (if (re-search-forward (rx word-start (literal (car symbols)) word-end) nil t) + (setq uses-p t symbols nil) + (setq symbols (cdr symbols)))) + uses-p))) + +(defun confpkg-annotate-list-dependencies () + (dolist (confpkg confpkg--list) + (plist-put confpkg :defines + (confpkg--rough-extract-definitions + (plist-get confpkg :file)))) + (dolist (confpkg confpkg--list) + (let ((after (plist-get confpkg :after)) + requires) + (dolist (other-confpkg confpkg--list) + (when (and (not (eq other-confpkg confpkg)) + (confpkg--rough-uses-p (plist-get confpkg :file) + (plist-get other-confpkg :defines))) + (push (plist-get other-confpkg :package) requires))) + (when (and after (symbolp after)) + (push after requires)) + (plist-put confpkg :requires requires)))) + +(defun confpkg-write-dependencies () + (dolist (confpkg confpkg--list) + (when (plist-get confpkg :requires) + (with-temp-buffer + (setq buffer-file-name (plist-get confpkg :file)) + (insert-file-contents buffer-file-name) + (re-search-forward "^;;; Code:\n") + (insert "\n") + (dolist (req (plist-get confpkg :requires)) + (insert (format "(require '%s)\n" req))) + (write-region nil nil buffer-file-name) + (set-buffer-modified-p nil))))) + +;; Commenting package statements + +(defun confpkg-comment-out-package-statements () + (dolist (confpkg confpkg--list) + (with-temp-buffer + (setq buffer-file-name (plist-get confpkg :file)) + (insert-file-contents buffer-file-name) + (goto-char (point-min)) + (while (re-search-forward "^;;; Code:\n[[:space:]\n]*(\\(package!\\|unpin!\\)[[:space:]\n]+\\([^[:space:]]+\\)\\b" nil t) + (plist-put confpkg :package-statements + (nconc (plist-get confpkg :package-statements) + (list (match-string 2)))) + (let* ((start (progn (beginning-of-line) (point))) + (end (progn (forward-sexp 1) + (if (looking-at "[\t ]*;.*") + (line-end-position) + (point)))) + (contents (buffer-substring start end)) + paste-start paste-end + (comment-start ";") + (comment-padding " ") + (comment-end "")) + (delete-region start (1+ end)) + (re-search-backward "^;;; Code:") + (beginning-of-line) + (insert ";; Package statement:\n") + (setq paste-start (point)) + (insert contents) + (setq paste-end (point)) + (insert "\n;;\n") + (comment-region paste-start paste-end 2))) + (when (buffer-modified-p) + (write-region nil nil buffer-file-name) + (set-buffer-modified-p nil))))) + +(defun confpkg-create-config () + (let ((revert-without-query '("config\\.el")) + (keywords (org-collect-keywords '("AUTHOR" "EMAIL"))) + (original-buffer (current-buffer))) + (with-temp-buffer + (insert + (format ";;; config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- + +;; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2020-%s %s <%s> +;; SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT + +;; Generated at %s from the literate configuration. + +(add-to-list 'load-path %S)\n" + (format-time-string "%Y") + (cadr (assoc "AUTHOR" keywords)) + (cadr (assoc "EMAIL" keywords)) + (format-time-string "%FT%T%z") + (replace-regexp-in-string + (regexp-quote (getenv "HOME")) "~" + (expand-file-name "subconf/")))) + (mapc + (lambda (confpkg) + (insert + (if (eq 'none (plist-get confpkg :via)) + (format "\n;;; %s intentionally omitted.\n" (plist-get confpkg :name)) + (with-temp-buffer + (cond + ((eq 'copy (plist-get confpkg :via)) + (insert-file-contents (plist-get confpkg :file)) + (goto-char (point-min)) + (narrow-to-region + (re-search-forward "^;;; Code:\n+") + (progn + (goto-char (point-max)) + (re-search-backward (format "[^\n\t ][\n\t ]*\n[\t ]*(provide '%s)" (plist-get confpkg :package))) + (match-end 0)))) + ((eq 'require (plist-get confpkg :via)) + (insert (format "(require '%s)\n" (plist-get confpkg :package)))) + (t (insert (format "(warn \"%s confpkg :via has unrecognised value: %S\" %S %S)" + (plist-get confpkg :name) (plist-get confpkg :via))))) + (goto-char (point-min)) + (insert "\n;;:------------------------" + "\n;;; " (plist-get confpkg :name) + "\n;;:------------------------\n\n") + (when (plist-get confpkg :defines) + (insert ";; This block defines " + (mapconcat + (lambda (d) (format "`%s'" d)) + (plist-get confpkg :defines) + ", ") + ".") + (when (re-search-backward "\\([^, ]+\\), \\([^, ]+\\), \\([^, ]+\\).\\=" + (line-beginning-position) t) + (replace-match "\\1, \\2, and \\3.")) + (when (re-search-backward "\\([^, ]+\\), \\([^, ]+\\).\\=" + (line-beginning-position) t) + (replace-match "\\1 and \\2.")) + (insert "\n\n") + (forward-line -2) + (setq-local comment-start ";") + (fill-comment-paragraph) + (forward-paragraph 1) + (forward-line 1)) + (if (equal (plist-get confpkg :package) "config-confpkg-timings") + (progn + (goto-char (point-max)) + (insert "\n\n\ +(confpkg-create-record 'doom-pre-config (float-time (time-subtract (current-time) before-init-time))) +(confpkg-start-record 'config) +(confpkg-create-record 'config-defered 0.0 'config) +(confpkg-create-record 'set-hooks 0.0 'config-defered) +(confpkg-create-record 'load-hooks 0.0 'config-defered) +(confpkg-create-record 'requires 0.0 'root)\n")) + (let ((after (plist-get confpkg :after)) + (pre (and (plist-get confpkg :pre) + (org-babel-expand-noweb-references + (list "emacs-lisp" + (format "<<%s>>" (plist-get confpkg :pre)) + '((:noweb . "yes") + (:comments . "none"))) + original-buffer))) + (name (replace-regexp-in-string + "config--?" "" + (plist-get confpkg :package)))) + (if after + (insert (format "(confpkg-with-record '%S\n" + (list (concat "hook: " name) 'set-hooks)) + (if pre + (concat ";; Begin pre\n" pre "\n;; End pre\n") + "") + (format (if (symbolp after) ; If single feature. + " (with-eval-after-load '%s\n" + " (after! %s\n") + after)) + (when pre + (insert "\n;; Begin pre (unnecesary since after is unused)\n" + pre + "\n;; End pre\n"))) + (insert + (format "(confpkg-with-record '%S\n" + (list (concat "load: " name) + (if after 'load-hooks 'config))))) + (goto-char (point-max)) + (when (string-match-p ";" (thing-at-point 'line)) + (insert "\n")) + (insert ")") + (when (plist-get confpkg :after) + (insert "))")) + (insert "\n")) + (buffer-string))))) + (let ((confpkg-timings ;; Ensure timings is put first. + (cl-some (lambda (p) (and (equal (plist-get p :package) "config-confpkg-timings") p)) + confpkg--list))) + (append (list confpkg-timings) + (nreverse (remove confpkg-timings confpkg--list))))) + (insert "\n(confpkg-finish-record 'config)\n\n;;; config.el ends here") + (write-region nil nil "config.el" nil :silent)))) + +;; Cleanup + +(defun confpkg-cleanup () + (org-fold-core-ignore-fragility-checks + (org-babel-map-executables nil + (when (and (eq (org-element-type (org-element-context)) 'babel-call) + (equal (org-element-property :call (org-element-context)) "confpkg")) + (org-babel-remove-result) + (org-entry-delete nil "header-args:emacs-lisp"))))) + +;; Finaliser + +(defun confpkg-tangle-finalise () + (remove-hook 'org-babel-tangle-finished-hook #'confpkg-tangle-finalise) + (revert-buffer t t t) + (confpkg-comment-out-package-statements) + (confpkg-annotate-list-dependencies) + (confpkg-create-config) + (confpkg-write-dependencies) + (message "Processed %s elisp files" (length confpkg--list))) + +;; Clear old files + +(make-directory "subconf" t) +(dolist (conf-file (directory-files "subconf" t "config-.*\\.el")) + (delete-file conf-file)) + +(add-hook 'org-babel-tangle-finished-hook #'confpkg-tangle-finalise) +#+end_src + +#+call: confpkg-setup[:results none]() + +***** Confpkg Dispatch + +#+name: confpkg +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var name="" needs="" after="" pre="" prefix="config-" via="copy" :results silent raw +;; Babel block for use with #+call +;; Arguments: +;; - name, the name of the config sub-package +;; - needs, (when non-empty) required system executable(s) +;; - after, required features +;; - pre, a noweb reference to code that should be executed eagerly, +;; and not deferred via after. The code is not included in the +;; generated .el file and should only be used in dire situations. +;; - prefix, the package prefix ("config-" by default) +;; - via, how this configuration should be included in config.el, +;; the current options are: +;; + "copy", copy the configuration lisp +;; + "require", insert a require statement +;; + "none", do not do anything to load this configuration. +;; This only makes sense when configuration is either being +;; temporarily disabled or loaded indirectly/elsewhere. +(when (or (string-empty-p needs) + (cl-every #'executable-find (delq nil (split-string needs ",")))) + (let* ((name (if (string-empty-p name) + (save-excursion + (and (org-back-to-heading-or-point-min t) + (substring-no-properties + (org-element-interpret-data + (org-element-property :title (org-element-at-point)))))) + name)) + (after + (cond + ((string-empty-p after) nil) + ((string-match-p "\\`[^()]+\\'" after) + (intern after)) ; Single feature. + (t after))) + (pre (and (not (string-empty-p pre)) pre)) + (confpkg-name + (concat prefix (replace-regexp-in-string + "[^a-z-]" "-" (downcase name)))) + (confpkg-file (expand-file-name (concat confpkg-name ".el") + "subconf"))) + (unless (file-exists-p confpkg-file) + (make-empty-file confpkg-file t)) + (cl-incf confpkg--num) + (org-set-property + "header-args:emacs-lisp" + (format ":tangle no :noweb-ref %s" confpkg-name)) + (push (list :name name + :package confpkg-name + :file confpkg-file + :after after + :pre pre + :via (intern via) + :package-statements nil) + confpkg--list) + (format-spec + "#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle %f :mkdirp yes :noweb no-export :noweb-ref none :comments no +<> +,#+end_src" + `((?n . ,confpkg--num) + (?p . ,confpkg-name) + (?f . ,confpkg-file) + (?Y . ,(format-time-string "%Y")) + (?B . ,(format-time-string "%B")) + (?m . ,(format-time-string "%m")) + (?d . ,(format-time-string "%d")) + (?M . ,(format-time-string "%M")) + (?S . ,(format-time-string "%S")))))) +#+end_src + +#+name: confpkg-template +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval no +;;; %p.el --- Generated package (no.%n) from my config -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- +;; +;; Copyright (C) %Y Kiana Sheibani +;; +;; Author: Kiana Sheibani +;; Created: %B %d, %Y +;; Modified: %B %d, %Y +;; Version: %Y.%m.%d +;; +;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. +;; +;;; Commentary: +;; +;; Generated package (no.%n) from my config. +;; +;; This is liable to have unstated dependencies, and reply on other bits of +;; state from other configuration blocks. Only use this if you know /exactly/ +;; what you are doing. +;; +;; This may function nicely as a bit of self-contained functionality, or it +;; might be a horrid mix of functionalities and state. +;; +;; Hopefully, in future static analysis will allow this to become more +;; properly package-like. +;; +;;; Code: + +<<%p>> + +(provide '%p) +;;; %p.el ends here +#+end_src + +***** Quieter Output + +#+name: confpkg-quieter-output +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(when noninteractive + (unless (fboundp 'doom-shut-up-a) + (defun doom-shut-up-a (fn &rest args) + (let ((standard-output #'ignore) + (inhibit-message t)) + (apply fn args)))) + (advice-add 'org-babel-expand-body:emacs-lisp :around #'doom-shut-up-a) + ;; Quiet some other annoying messages + (advice-add 'sh-set-shell :around #'doom-shut-up-a) + (advice-add 'rng-what-schema :around #'doom-shut-up-a) + (advice-add 'python-indent-guess-indent-offset :around #'doom-shut-up-a)) +#+end_src + +#+call: confpkg-quieter-output() + +***** Timings + +#+call: confpkg("Confpkg timings") + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defvar confpkg-load-time-tree (list (list 'root))) +(defvar confpkg-record-branch (list 'root)) +(defvar confpkg-record-num 0) + +(defun confpkg-create-record (name elapsed &optional parent enclosing) + (let ((parent (assoc (or parent (car confpkg-record-branch)) + confpkg-load-time-tree)) + (record (cons name (list (list 'self + :name (format "%s" name) + :num (cl-incf confpkg-record-num) + :elapsed elapsed + :enclosing enclosing))))) + (push record confpkg-load-time-tree) + (push record (cdr parent)) + record)) + +(defun confpkg-start-record (name &optional parent) + (let ((record (confpkg-create-record name 0.0e+NaN parent t))) + (plist-put (cdadr record) :start (float-time)) + (push name confpkg-record-branch) + record)) + +(defun confpkg-finish-record (name) + (let ((self-record (cdar (last (cdr (assoc name confpkg-load-time-tree)))))) + (plist-put self-record :elapsed + (- (float-time) (plist-get self-record :start) 0.0)) + (unless (equal (car confpkg-record-branch) name) + (message "Warning: Confpkg timing record expected to finish %S, instead found %S. %S" + name (car confpkg-record-branch) confpkg-record-branch)) + (setq confpkg-record-branch (cdr confpkg-record-branch)))) + +(defmacro confpkg-with-record (name &rest body) + "Create a time record around BODY. +The record must have a NAME." + (declare (indent 1)) + (let ((name-val (make-symbol "name-val")) + (record-spec (make-symbol "record-spec"))) + `(let* ((,name-val ,name) + (,record-spec (if (consp ,name-val) ,name-val (list ,name-val)))) + (apply #'confpkg-start-record ,record-spec) + (unwind-protect + (progn ,@body) + (confpkg-finish-record (car ,record-spec)))))) + +(defadvice! +require--log-timing-a (orig-fn feature &optional filename noerror) + :around #'require + (if (or (featurep feature) + (eq feature 'cus-start) ; HACK Why!?! + (assoc (format "require: %s" feature) confpkg-load-time-tree)) + (funcall orig-fn feature filename noerror) + (confpkg-with-record (list (format "require: %s" feature) + (and (eq (car confpkg-record-branch) 'root) + 'requires)) + (funcall orig-fn feature filename noerror)))) + +(defun confpkg-timings-report (&optional sort-p node) + "Display a report on load-time information. +Supply SORT-P (or the universal argument) to sort the results. +NODE defaults to the root node." + (interactive + (list (and current-prefix-arg t))) + (let ((buf (get-buffer-create "*Confpkg Load Time Report*")) + (depth 0) + num-pad name-pad max-time max-total-time max-depth) + (cl-labels + ((sort-records-by-time + (record) + (let ((self (assoc 'self record))) + (append (list self) + (sort (nreverse (remove self (cdr record))) + (lambda (a b) + (> (or (plist-get (alist-get 'self a) :total) 0.0) + (or (plist-get (alist-get 'self b) :total) 0.0))))))) + (print-record + (record) + (cond + ((eq (car record) 'self) + (insert + (propertize + (string-pad (number-to-string (plist-get (cdr record) :num)) num-pad) + 'face 'font-lock-keyword-face) + " " + (propertize + (apply #'concat + (make-list (1- depth) "• ")) + 'face 'font-lock-comment-face) + (string-pad (format "%s" (plist-get (cdr record) :name)) name-pad) + (make-string (* (- max-depth depth) 2) ?\s) + (propertize + (format "%.4fs" (plist-get (cdr record) :elapsed)) + 'face + (list :foreground + (doom-blend 'orange 'green + (/ (plist-get (cdr record) :elapsed) max-time)))) + (if (= (plist-get (cdr record) :elapsed) + (plist-get (cdr record) :total)) + "" + (concat " (Σ=" + (propertize + (format "%.3fs" (plist-get (cdr record) :total)) + 'face + (list :foreground + (doom-blend 'orange 'green + (/ (plist-get (cdr record) :total) max-total-time)))) + ")")) + "\n")) + (t + (cl-incf depth) + (mapc + #'print-record + (if sort-p + (sort-records-by-time record) + (reverse (cdr record)))) + (cl-decf depth)))) + (flatten-records + (records) + (if (eq (car records) 'self) + (list records) + (mapcan + #'flatten-records + (reverse (cdr records))))) + (tree-depth + (records &optional depth) + (if (eq (car records) 'self) + (or depth 0) + (1+ (cl-reduce #'max (cdr records) :key #'tree-depth)))) + (mapreduceprop + (list map reduce prop) + (cl-reduce + reduce list + :key + (lambda (p) (funcall map (plist-get (cdr p) prop))))) + (elaborate-timings + (record) + (if (eq (car record) 'self) + (plist-get (cdr record) :elapsed) + (let ((total (cl-reduce #'+ (cdr record) + :key #'elaborate-timings)) + (self (cdr (assoc 'self record)))) + (if (plist-get self :enclosing) + (prog1 + (plist-get self :elapsed) + (plist-put self :total (plist-get self :elapsed)) + (plist-put self :elapsed + (- (* 2 (plist-get self :elapsed)) total))) + (plist-put self :total total) + total)))) + (elaborated-timings + (record) + (let ((record (copy-tree record))) + (elaborate-timings record) + record))) + (let* ((tree + (elaborated-timings + (append '(root) + (copy-tree + (alist-get (or node 'root) + confpkg-load-time-tree + nil nil #'equal)) + '((self :num 0 :elapsed 0))))) + (flat-records + (cl-remove-if + (lambda (rec) (= (plist-get (cdr rec) :num) 0)) + (flatten-records tree)))) + (setq max-time (mapreduceprop flat-records #'identity #'max :elapsed) + max-total-time (mapreduceprop flat-records #'identity #'max :total) + name-pad (mapreduceprop flat-records #'length #'max :name) + num-pad (mapreduceprop flat-records + (lambda (n) (length (number-to-string n))) + #'max :num) + max-depth (tree-depth tree)) + (with-current-buffer buf + (erase-buffer) + (setq-local outline-regexp "[0-9]+ *\\(?:• \\)*") + (outline-minor-mode 1) + (use-local-map (make-sparse-keymap)) + (local-set-key "TAB" #'outline-toggle-children) + (local-set-key "\t" #'outline-toggle-children) + (local-set-key (kbd "") #'outline-show-subtree) + (local-set-key (kbd "C-") + (eval `(cmd! (if current-prefix-arg + (outline-show-all) + (outline-hide-sublevels (+ ,num-pad 2)))))) + (insert + (propertize + (concat (string-pad "#" num-pad) " " + (string-pad "Confpkg" + (+ name-pad (* 2 max-depth) -3)) + (format " Load Time (Σ=%.3fs)\n" + (plist-get (cdr (assoc 'self tree)) :total))) + 'face '(:inherit (tab-bar-tab bold) :extend t :underline t))) + (dolist (record (if sort-p + (sort-records-by-time tree) + (reverse (cdr tree)))) + (unless (eq (car record) 'self) + (print-record record))) + (set-buffer-modified-p nil) + (goto-char (point-min))) + (pop-to-buffer buf))))) +#+end_src + +# CLI + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle cli.el :noweb-ref none +;;; cli.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- +(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil) + +(defun doom-shut-up-a (orig-fn &rest args) + (quiet! (apply orig-fn args))) + +(advice-add 'org-babel-execute-src-block :around #'doom-shut-up-a) +#+end_src + +* Doom Modules + +One of Doom Emacs's most useful features is its modular configuration system, +allowing configuration code to be sectioned into modules that can be enabled or +customized individually. Doom provides a full suite of pre-written modules to +enable. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle init.el :noweb no-export :noweb-ref none +;;; init.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- + +;; This file controls what Doom modules are enabled and what order they load in. + +(doom! <> + + <> + + <> + + <> + + <> + + <> + + <> + + <> + + <> + + <> + + <> + + <> + + <> + ) +#+end_src + +** Config Modules + +Considering this is a literate config, the corresponding ~:config literate~ module +is necessary. We'll also turn on some of the default config options too. + +#+name: doom-config +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +:config +literate +(default +bindings +smartparens) +#+end_src + +** Completion + +I'm a big fan of the Vertico ecosystem, as it's lightweight and easy to use. +Let's turn on that module, along with the icons flag because why not. + +#+name: doom-completion +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +:completion +(vertico +icons) +(company +childframe) +#+end_src + +** Checkers + +The two most common syntax checking engines seem to be =flymake= and =flycheck=. +=flymake= is built in to Emacs, is generally faster and currently has better +support in the ecosystem, so let's use that one. + +We'll also enable a dedicated spell checking module using ~aspell~, as that seems +to be the recommended option. + +#+name: doom-checkers +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +:checkers +(syntax +flymake +childframe) +(spell +aspell) +;;grammar +#+end_src + +** UI + +Most of these are either defaults that come with Doom Emacs or just recommended, +but here are the highlights: + +- ~vi-tilde-fringe~ because I like how it looks +- ~(window-select +numbers)~ because multiple windows are too inconvenient without + an easy way to switch between them +- ~file-templates~ and ~snippets~ because typing is hard +- ~(format +onsave)~ because I don't want to have to remember to run a formatter +- ~direnv~ because I'm a nix user +- Icons! + +#+name: doom-ui +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +:ui +deft +doom +doom-dashboard +;;doom-quit +;;(emoji +unicode) +hl-todo +;;hydra +indent-guides +;;ligatures +;;minimap +modeline +;;nav-flash +;;neotree +ophints +(popup +all +defaults) +;;tabs +(treemacs +lsp) +unicode +(vc-gutter +diff-hl +pretty) +vi-tilde-fringe +(window-select +numbers) +workspaces +;;zen +#+end_src + +#+name: doom-editor +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +:editor +(evil +everywhere) +file-templates +fold +(format +onsave) +;;god +;;lispy +;;multiple-cursors +;;objed +;;parinfer +;;rotate-text +snippets +;;word-wrap +#+end_src + +#+name: doom-tools +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +:tools +;;ansible +biblio +;;debugger +direnv +;;docker +;;editorconfig +;;ein +(eval +overlay) +;;gist +(lookup +docsets) +lsp +magit +make +;;pass +pdf +;;prodigy +;;rgb +;;taskrunner +;;terraform +tree-sitter +;;tmux +;;upload +#+end_src + +#+name: doom-emacs +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +:emacs +(dired +icons) +electric +(ibuffer +icons) +(undo +tree) +vc +#+end_src + +#+name: doom-os +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +:os +(:if IS-MAC macos) +tty +#+end_src + +** Apps + +Who doesn't love doing everything in Emacs? + +#+name: doom-term +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +:term +vterm +#+end_src + +#+name: doom-email +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +:email +(mu4e +org +gmail) +#+end_src + +#+name: doom-app +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +:app +calendar +;;emms +everywhere +;;irc +;;(rss +org) ; One day... +;;twitter +#+end_src + + +** Language Modules + +Doom Emacs provides a large collection of modules for different languages. Which +is good, because setting up language mode packages is kind of annoying. + +#+name: doom-lang +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +:lang +(agda +tree-sitter +local) +;;beancount +;;(cc +lsp) +;;clojure +;;common-lisp +;;coq +;;crystal +;;csharp +data +;;(dart +flutter) +dhall +;;elixir +;;elm +emacs-lisp +;;erlang +;;ess +;;factor +;;faust +;;fortran +;;fsharp +;;fstar +;;gdscript +;;(go +lsp) +;;(graphql +lsp) +(haskell +lsp) +;;hy +idris +;;json +;;(java +lsp) +;;javascript +;;julia +;;kotlin +(latex +lsp) +;;lean +;;ledger +;;lua +markdown +;;nim +(nix +tree-sitter) +;;ocaml +(org +pretty +roam2 + +gnuplot +jupyter + +pandoc +journal + +present) +;;php +;;plantuml +;;purescript +(python +lsp +tree-sitter) +;;qt +;;racket +;;raku +;;rest +;;rst +;;(ruby +rails) +(rust +lsp +tree-sitter) +(scala +lsp +tree-sitter) +;;(scheme +guile) +(sh +fish +lsp +tree-sitter) +;;sml +;;solidity +;;swift +;;terra +(web +lsp +tree-sitter) +yaml +;;zig +#+end_src + +* Basic Configuration + +This is mostly config settings that don't belong to any particular package and +aren't important enough to get their own major section. + +** Sensible Settings + +#+call: confpkg("Settings") + +It wouldn't be Emacs if there wasn't an endless list of config variables to +change every aspect of its function! + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq-default tab-width 2 ; 2 width tabs + delete-by-moving-to-trash t ; Delete files to trash + window-combination-resize t ; Resize windows more evenly + ) + +(setq compile-command "nix build" + truncate-string-ellipsis "…" ; Unicode! + shell-file-name (executable-find "bash") ; Use bash instead of fish for default shell + disabled-command-function nil ; Disabled commands are a stupid idea + password-cache-expiry nil ; Security? Never heard of it + scroll-margin 2 ; A few extra lines on each end of the window + ) + +(global-subword-mode 1) ; Trying this out +#+end_src + +Thanks once again to Tecosaur for some of these settings. + +** Personal Information + +#+call: confpkg() + +Emacs uses this basic personal information for a few different things, mostly +applications. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq user-full-name "Kiana Sheibani" + user-mail-address "") +#+end_src + +** Aesthetics + +#+call: confpkg("Visual") + +My favorite color theme has always been Tokyo Night. I use it literally +everywhere I can, and Doom Emacs is no exception. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq doom-theme 'doom-tokyo-night) +#+end_src + +As for font choice, Victor Mono is my preferred coding font. I also use Source +Sans Pro as my sans-serif font, though that is more out of obligation than +actually liking how it looks. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq doom-font (font-spec :family "VictorMono" :size 13) + doom-variable-pitch-font (font-spec :family "Source Sans Pro" :size 16)) +#+end_src + +I'm a very big fan of how italics look in this font, so let's make more things +italicized! While we're here, we'll also set doom's modified buffer font to be +red instead of yellow (I like how it looks better). + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(custom-set-faces! + '(font-lock-comment-face :slant italic) + '(font-lock-variable-name-face :slant italic) + '(doom-modeline-buffer-modified :weight bold :inherit (doom-modeline error))) +#+end_src + +Some other small aesthetic changes: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq nerd-icons-scale-factor 1.1 ; Make icons slightly larger + doom-modeline-height 24 ; Make Doom's modeline taller + display-line-numbers-type t) ; Line numbers (absolute) +#+end_src + +** Bindings + +#+call: confpkg() + +*** Windows & Workspaces + +I like using window numbers to navigate between splitscreen windows, but having +to type =SPC w <#>= every time is annoying. Let's shorten that key sequence by +67%, and also throw in a convenient binding for switching to =treemacs=. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(map! :leader + ;; Bind "SPC 0" to treemacs + ;; Map window bindings to "SPC 1" through "SPC 9" + "w 0" #'treemacs-select-window + :desc "Select project tree window" "0" #'treemacs-select-window + :desc "Select window 1" "1" #'winum-select-window-1 + :desc "Select window 2" "2" #'winum-select-window-2 + :desc "Select window 3" "3" #'winum-select-window-3 + :desc "Select window 4" "4" #'winum-select-window-4 + :desc "Select window 5" "5" #'winum-select-window-5 + :desc "Select window 6" "6" #'winum-select-window-6 + :desc "Select window 7" "7" #'winum-select-window-7 + :desc "Select window 8" "8" #'winum-select-window-8 + :desc "Select window 9" "9" #'winum-select-window-9) +#+end_src + +Now =SPC 1= will work equivalently to =SPC w 1=. Efficiency! + +I like to reorganize my workspaces, so we can also add bindings to change the +workspace order. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(map! :leader + :desc "Move workspace left" + "TAB h" #'+workspace/swap-left + :desc "Move workspace right" + "TAB l" #'+workspace/swap-right) +#+end_src + +*** Leader Key + +It's sometimes useful to have a ~universal-argument~ binding that doesn't go +through the leader key. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(map! :map global-map + "M-u" #'universal-argument) +#+end_src + +It's also sometimes useful to have an ~evil-ex~ binding that /does/ go through the +leader key. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(map! :leader + "w :" nil + ":" #'evil-ex) +#+end_src + +*** Evil Macros + +Seeing as it's practically the Evil Emacs version of =C-g=, I often end up +accidentally pressing =q= in a non-popup buffer, which starts recording a macro. +That's very annoying, and I don't use macros enough to justify that annoyance. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(map! :map evil-normal-state-map + "q" nil + "C-q" #'evil-record-macro) +#+end_src + +*** Creating New Projects + +Whenever I want to make a new project, having to create a new directory, +initialize Git, and register it with Projectile is cumbersome. A new command to +do all of those steps in one go sounds like a good idea. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun create-new-project (dir type &optional parents) + "Create a new directory DIR and add it to the list of known projects. + +TYPE specifies the type of project to create. It can take the following values: +- `git', which creates a new Git repository. +- `projectile', which creates a .projectile file in the project root. +- A string, which is used as a filename to create in the project root. +- A function, which is called with no arguments inside the root of the project. + +If PARENTS is non-nil, the parents of the specified directory will also be created." + (interactive (list (read-directory-name "Create new project: ") 'git t)) + (make-directory dir parents) + (let ((default-directory dir)) + (pcase type + ('git + (shell-command "git init")) + ('projectile + (make-empty-file ".projectile")) + ((pred stringp) + (make-empty-file type)) + ((pred functionp) + (funcall type)))) + (projectile-add-known-project dir)) + +(map! :leader + :desc "Create new project" + "p n" #'create-new-project) + +#+end_src + +*** Misc. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(map! :leader + :desc "Open URL" + "s u" #'goto-address-at-point) +#+end_src + +*** ... This is Also Here + +I'm not even going to bother explaining this one. Emacs is just janky sometimes +lol + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defadvice! ~/projectile-find-file (invalidate-cache &optional ff-variant) + :override #'projectile--find-file + (projectile-maybe-invalidate-cache invalidate-cache) + (let* ((project-root (projectile-acquire-root)) + (file (read-file-name "Find file: " project-root project-root + (confirm-nonexistent-file-or-buffer) nil + )) + (ff (or ff-variant #'find-file))) + (when file + (funcall ff (expand-file-name file project-root)) + (run-hooks 'projectile-find-file-hook)))) +#+end_src + +* Packages + +Now that we've enabled our preferred modules and done some basic configuration, +we can install and configure our packages. + +Our ~package!~ declarations go in ~packages.el~, which must not be byte-compiled: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle packages.el +;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*- +#+end_src + +Everything else goes in ~config.el~, which is managed by [[*=confpkg=][confpkg]] as outlined +earlier. + +** Company + +#+call: confpkg("!Pkg company") + +*** TODO Optimization + +*** Bindings + +When Company is active, its keybindings overshadow the default ones, meaning +keys like =RET= no longer work. To prevent this from happening, let's rebind +~company-complete-selection~ to =TAB= (less useful in the middle of typing), and +only allow =RET= to be used if Company has been explicitly interacted with. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(after! company + (let ((item `(menu-item nil company-complete-selection + :filter ,(lambda (cmd) + (when (company-explicit-action-p) + cmd))))) + (map! :map company-active-map + "RET" item + "" item + "TAB" #'company-complete-selection + "" #'company-complete-selection + "S-TAB" #'company-complete-common))) +#+end_src + +*** Spell Correction + +I've been having problems with ~company-ispell~, mainly due to Ispell requiring a +text-based dictionary (unlike Aspell, which uses a binary dictionary). So let's +switch to ~company-spell~: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle packages.el +(package! company-spell) +#+end_src + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(after! company-spell + (map! :map evil-insert-state-map + "C-x s" #'company-spell)) +#+end_src + +We should make sure that ~company-spell~ uses Ispell's personal dictionary too: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(after! (company-spell ispell) + (setq company-spell-args + (concat company-spell-args " -p " ispell-personal-dictionary))) +#+end_src + +*** Icons + +The ~company-box~ front-end adds support for icons, but there aren't many +providers for them, especially in text. We'll add two new icon providers: + +- ~~/company-box-icons--text~, which directly targets the output of ~company-spell~ +- ~~/company-box-icons--spell~, which is a fallback for all text completions + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +;; Mark candidates from `company-spell' using a text property +(defadvice! ~/company-spell-text-property (words) + :filter-return #'company-spell-lookup-words + (dolist (word words) + (put-text-property 0 1 'spell-completion-item t word)) + words) + +(defun ~/company-box-icons--spell (candidate) + (when (get-text-property 0 'spell-completion-item candidate) + 'Text)) + +(defun ~/company-box-icons--text (candidate) + (when (derived-mode-p 'text-mode) 'Text)) + +(after! company-box + (pushnew! company-box-icons-functions #'~/company-box-icons--text) + ;; `~/company-box-icons--text' is a fallback, so it has to go at the end of + ;; the list + (setq company-box-icons-functions + (append company-box-icons-functions '(~/company-box-icons--text)))) +#+end_src + +** Eldoc + +#+call: confpkg("!Pkg eldoc") + +We'll switch the default docstring handler to ~eldoc-documentation-compose~, since +that provides the most information and I don't mind the space it takes up. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(after! eldoc + (setq eldoc-documentation-strategy 'eldoc-documentation-compose)) +#+end_src + +** Embark + +#+call: confpkg("!Pkg embark") + +When I first learned about Embark and began to use it, I was a bit disappointed +by its defaults, especially since Doom Emacs is normally great when it comes to +ensuring good defaults. I eventually went ahead and looked through every aspect +of Embark to see what needed to change. + +*** Targets + +Some of the targeting functions are a bit too general in what they accept. We'll +adjust the expression and identifier targeters to only work in ~prog-mode~ and the +"defun" targeter to only work in Emacs Lisp code. + +We'll also define a word targeter, since that was previously handled by the +identifier one. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun ~/embark-target-prog-mode (old-fn) + "Advise an embark target to only activate in `prog-mode'." + (when (derived-mode-p 'prog-mode) (funcall old-fn))) + +(defun ~/embark-target-identifier (old-fn) + "Advise an embark target to only activate in `prog-mode' and not in `lsp-mode'." + (when (and (derived-mode-p 'prog-mode) (not (bound-and-true-p lsp-mode))) (funcall old-fn))) + +(advice-add #'embark-target-expression-at-point :around #'~/embark-target-prog-mode) +(advice-add #'embark-target-identifier-at-point :around #'~/embark-target-identifier) + +(after! embark + (embark-define-thingatpt-target defun emacs-lisp-mode) + + ; Word targeter + (embark-define-thingatpt-target word + text-mode help-mode Info-mode man-common) + (pushnew! embark-target-finders #'embark-target-word-at-point)) +#+end_src + +*** LSP Integration + +The provided action types related to programming only apply to Emacs Lisp code, +so we'll add a new one that integrates with LSP. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun embark-target-lsp-symbol-at-point () + "Target the LSP symbol at point." + (when (bound-and-true-p lsp-mode) + (require 'lsp-ui-doc) + ;; Use hover request (meant for highlighting) to get the current symbol + (when-let ((bounds (lsp-ui-doc--extract-bounds + (lsp-request "textDocument/hover" + (lsp--text-document-position-params))))) + (cons 'lsp-symbol + (cons (buffer-substring (car bounds) (cdr bounds)) + bounds))))) + +(after! embark + (pushnew! embark-target-finders #'embark-target-lsp-symbol-at-point)) +#+end_src + +*** Hooks + +The hook ~embark--mark-target~ normally sets the mark to the end and puts the +point at the beginning. This is the opposite of the usual order, so let's +override it to flip the order. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(after! embark + (cl-defun embark--mark-target (&rest rest &key run bounds &allow-other-keys) + "Mark the target if its BOUNDS are known. +After marking the target, call RUN with the REST of its arguments." + (cond + ((and bounds run) + (save-mark-and-excursion + (set-mark (car bounds)) + (goto-char (cdr bounds)) + (apply run :bounds bounds rest))) + (bounds ;; used as pre- or post-action hook + (set-mark (car bounds)) + (goto-char (cdr bounds))) + (run (apply run rest))))) +#+end_src + +*** Actions + +This + +We'll be using a lot of new actions, so let's set their hooks. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(after! embark + (cl-pushnew #'embark--mark-target + (alist-get #'evil-change embark-around-action-hooks)) + (cl-pushnew #'embark--mark-target + (alist-get #'+eval:region embark-around-action-hooks)) + (cl-pushnew #'embark--mark-target + (alist-get #'+eval:replace-region embark-around-action-hooks)) + + (cl-pushnew #'embark--beginning-of-target + (alist-get #'backward-word embark-pre-action-hooks)) + (cl-pushnew #'embark--end-of-target + (alist-get #'forward-word embark-pre-action-hooks)) + + (cl-pushnew #'embark--ignore-target + (alist-get #'lsp-rename embark-target-injection-hooks)) + (cl-pushnew #'embark--ignore-target + (alist-get #'+spell/correct embark-target-injection-hooks)) + + (cl-pushnew #'embark--universal-argument + (alist-get #'+workspace/delete embark-pre-action-hooks)) + (cl-pushnew #'embark--restart + (alist-get #'+workspace/delete embark-post-action-hooks)) + (cl-pushnew #'embark--restart + (alist-get #'projectile-remove-known-project embark-post-action-hooks)) + + ; Actions that retrigger Embark + (pushnew! embark-repeat-actions + #'lsp-ui-find-next-reference + #'lsp-ui-find-prev-reference + #'forward-word + #'backward-word + #'org-table-next-row + #'+org/table-previous-row + #'org-table-next-field + #'org-table-previous-field) + + ; Don't require confirmation on these actions + (setf (alist-get #'kill-buffer embark-pre-action-hooks nil t) nil + (alist-get #'embark-kill-buffer-and-window embark-pre-action-hooks nil t) nil + (alist-get #'bookmark-delete embark-pre-action-hooks nil t) nil + (alist-get #'tab-bar-close-tab-by-name embark-pre-action-hooks nil t) nil)) +#+end_src + +*** Keymaps + +Here's the big one. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defmacro ~/embark-target-wrapper (fn prompt) + "Wrap the command FN to take its argument interactively." + (let ((fsym (make-symbol (symbol-name fn)))) + ;;; Love me some uninterned symbols + `(progn + (defun ,fsym (ident &optional arg) + ,(documentation fn) + (interactive (list (read-from-minibuffer ,prompt) current-prefix-arg)) + (,fn ident arg)) + #',fsym))) + +(after! embark + (defvar-keymap embark-word-map + :doc "Keymap for Embark word actions." + :parent embark-general-map + "j" #'forward-word + "k" #'backward-word + "$" #'+spell/correct) + (defvar-keymap embark-lsp-symbol-map + :doc "Keymap for Embark LSP symbol actions." + :parent embark-identifier-map + "j" #'lsp-ui-find-next-reference + "k" #'lsp-ui-find-prev-reference + "r" #'lsp-rename) + (defvar-keymap embark-workspace-map + :doc "Keymap for Embark workspace actions." + :parent embark-general-map + "RET" #'+workspace/switch-to + "d" #'+workspace/delete) + (defvar-keymap embark-known-project-map + :doc "Keymap for Embark known project actions." + :parent embark-file-map + "RET" #'projectile-switch-project + "d" #'projectile-remove-known-project) + + (pushnew! embark-keymap-alist + '(word . embark-word-map) + '(lsp-symbol . embark-lsp-symbol-map) + '(workspace . embark-workspace-map) + '(known-project . embark-known-project-map)) + + (map! (:map embark-general-map + "SPC" #'doom/leader + "C-SPC" #'embark-select + "X" #'embark-export + "W" #'+vertico/embark-export-write + "y" #'embark-copy-as-kill + "v" #'mark + "C-q" #'embark-toggle-quit + "d" #'kill-region + "c" #'evil-change + "/" #'evil-ex-search-forward + "?" #'evil-ex-search-backward + "E" nil "w" nil "q" nil "C-s" nil "C-r" nil) + (:map embark-heading-map + "v" #'mark + "V" #'outline-mark-subtree + "j" #'outline-next-visible-heading + "k" #'outline-previous-visible-heading + "J" #'outline-forward-same-level + "K" #'outline-backward-same-level + "h" #'outline-up-heading + "M-j" #'outline-move-subtree-down + "M-k" #'outline-move-subtree-up + "M-l" #'outline-demote + "M-h" #'outline-promote + "n" nil "p" nil "f" nil "b" nil "^" nil + "u" nil "C-SPC" nil) + (:map embark-prose-map + "c" #'evil-change + "u" #'downcase-region + "U" #'upcase-region + "q" #'fill-region + "C" #'capitalize-region + "l" nil "f" nil) + (:map embark-sentence-map + "j" #'forward-sentence + "k" #'backward-sentence + "n" nil "p" nil) + (:map embark-paragraph-map + "j" #'forward-paragraph + "k" #'backward-paragraph + "n" nil "p" nil) + (:map embark-identifier-map + "j" #'embark-next-symbol + "k" #'embark-previous-symbol + "d" #'kill-region + "RET" (~/embark-target-wrapper +lookup/definition "Identifier: ") + "K" (~/embark-target-wrapper +lookup/documentation "Identifier: ") + "D" (~/embark-target-wrapper +lookup/definition "Identifier: ") + "R" (~/embark-target-wrapper +lookup/references "Identifier: ") + "n" nil "p" nil "r" nil "a" nil "o" nil "H" nil "$" nil) + (:map embark-expression-map + "j" #'forward-list + "k" #'backward-list + "h" #'backward-up-list + "=" #'indent-region + "RET" #'+eval:region + "e" #'+eval:region + "E" #'+eval:replace-region + "TAB" nil "<" nil "u" nil "n" nil "p" nil) + (:map embark-defun-map + "c" #'evil-change + "C" #'compile-defun + "RET" nil "e" nil) + (:map embark-symbol-map + "s" nil "h" nil "d" nil "e" nil) + (:map embark-variable-map + "Y" #'embark-save-variable-value + "K" #'helpful-variable + "RET" #'+eval:region + "e" #'+eval:region + "E" #'+eval:replace-region + "i" #'embark-insert-variable-value + "v" #'mark + "c" #'evil-change + "<" nil) + (:map embark-function-map + "e" #'debug-on-entry + "E" #'cancel-debug-on-entry + "j" #'embark-next-symbol + "k" #'embark-previous-symbol + "K" #'helpful-callable) + (:map embark-command-map + "w" #'where-is + "b" nil "g" nil "l" nil) + (:map embark-package-map + "Y" #'embark-save-package-url + "i" #'embark-insert + "a" nil "I" nil "d" nil "r" nil "W" nil) + (:map embark-unicode-name-map + "Y" #'embark-save-unicode-character + "W" nil) + (:map embark-flymake-map + "j" #'flymake-goto-next-error + "k" #'flymake-goto-prev-error + "n" nil "p" nil) + (:map embark-tab-map + "d" #'tab-bar-close-tab-by-name) + (:map embark-region-map + "u" #'downcase-region + "U" #'upcase-region + "C" #'capitalize-region + "w" #'write-region + "W" #'count-words-region + "q" #'fill-region + "Q" #'fill-region-as-paragraph + "N" #'narrow-to-region + "D" #'delete-duplicate-lines + "=" #'indent-region + "g" #'vc-region-history + "d" #'kill-region + "c" #'evil-change + "TAB" nil "n" nil "l" nil "f" nil "p" nil + "*" nil ":" nil "_" nil) + (:map embark-file-map + "g" 'embark-vc-file-map + "w" #'embark-save-relative-path + "W" #'+vertico/embark-export-write + "Y" #'copy-file + "v" #'mark + "c" #'evil-change) + (:map embark-become-file+buffer-map + "." #'find-file + "b" #'+vertico/switch-workspace-buffer + "B" #'consult-buffer + "p" #'projectile--find-file) + (:map embark-become-help-map + "b" #'embark-bindings + "v" #'helpful-variable + "f" #'helpful-callable + "F" #'describe-face + "o" #'helpful-symbol + "s" #'helpful-symbol + "p" #'doom/help-packages))) + +(after! embark-org + (map! (:map embark-org-table-cell-map + "RET" #'+org/dwim-at-point + "v" #'mark + "-" #'org-table-insert-hline + "l" #'org-table-next-field + "h" #'org-table-previous-field + "j" #'org-table-next-row + "k" #'+org/table-previous-row + "H" #'org-table-move-column-left + "L" #'org-table-move-column-right + "J" #'org-table-move-row-down + "K" #'org-table-move-row-up + (:prefix ("i" . "insert") + "h" #'+org/table-insert-column-left + "l" #'org-table-insert-column + "j" #'+org/table-insert-row-below + "k" #'org-table-insert-row + "-" #'org-table-insert-hline) + "^" nil "<" nil ">" nil "o" nil "O" nil) + (:map embark-org-table-map + "p" #'org-table-paste-rectangle + "C" #'org-table-convert + "D" #'org-table-toggle-formula-debugger + "y" #'embark-copy-as-kill + "d" #'kill-region + "c" #'evil-change) + (:map embark-org-link-copy-map + "y" #'embark-org-copy-link-in-full + "w" nil) + (:map embark-org-link-map + "e" #'org-insert-link + "y" 'embark-org-link-copy-map + "w" nil) + (:map embark-org-heading-map + ">" #'org-do-demote + "<" #'org-do-promote + "j" #'org-next-visible-heading + "k" #'org-previous-visible-heading + "J" #'org-forward-heading-same-level + "K" #'org-backward-heading-same-level + "q" #'org-set-tags-command + "o" #'org-set-property + "D" #'org-cut-subtree + "s" #'org-sort + "S" #'embark-collect + "i" #'embark-insert + "d" #'kill-region + "I" #'org-insert-heading-respect-content + "l" #'org-store-link + "L" #'embark-live + (:prefix ("t" . "time") + "d" #'org-deadline + "s" #'org-schedule) + (:prefix ("c" . "clock") + "i" #'org-clock-in + "o" #'org-clock-out)) + (:map embark-org-src-block-map + "v" #'org-babel-mark-block + "y" #'embark-org-copy-block-contents + "Y" #'embark-copy-as-kill + "D" #'org-babel-remove-result-one-or-many + "j" #'org-babel-next-src-block + "k" #'org-babel-previous-src-block + "e" #'org-edit-special + "=" #'org-indent-block + "c" #'evil-change) + (:map embark-org-inline-src-block-map + "e" #'org-edit-inline-src-code + "D" #'org-babel-remove-inline-result + "k" nil) + (:map embark-org-babel-call-map + "D" #'org-babel-remove-result + "k" nil) + (:map embark-org-item-map + "j" #'org-next-item + "k" #'org-previous-item + "M-j" #'org-move-item-down + "M-k" #'org-move-item-up + "c" #'evil-change + "n" nil "p" nil) + (:map embark-org-plain-list-map + "c" #'evil-change + "C" #'org-toggle-checkbox) + (:map embark-org-agenda-item-map + "RET" #'org-agenda-switch-to + "TAB" #'org-agenda-goto + "j" #'org-agenda-next-item + "k" #'org-agenda-previous-item + "d" #'org-agenda-kill + "q" #'org-agenda-set-tags + "o" #'org-agenda-set-property + (:prefix ("t" . "time") + "d" #'org-agenda-deadline + "s" #'org-agenda-schedule) + (:prefix ("c" . "clock") + "i" #'org-agenda-clock-in + "o" #'org-agenda-clock-out) + "u" nil "i" nil ":" nil "s" nil "P" nil))) +#+end_src + +** Evil + +#+call: confpkg("!Pkg evil") + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(after! evil + (setq evil-shift-width 2 ; 2 width tabs (again) + evil-want-fine-undo t ; More fine-grained undos + evil-ex-substitute-global t ; s/../../ is global by default + evil-kill-on-visual-paste nil ; Don't copy text overwritten on paste + )) +#+end_src + +While we're here, we'll also set my preferred =evil-escape= keys: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(after! evil-escape + (setq evil-escape-key-sequence "fd")) +#+end_src + +** Flymake + +#+call: confpkg("!Pkg flymake") + +I really like Flycheck's double-arrow fringe indicator, so let's quickly steal +that: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(after! flymake + (define-fringe-bitmap 'flymake-double-left-arrow + [#b00011011 + #b00110110 + #b01101100 + #b11011000 + #b01101100 + #b00110110 + #b00011011]) + (setf (car flymake-error-bitmap) 'flymake-double-left-arrow + (car flymake-warning-bitmap) 'flymake-double-left-arrow + (car flymake-note-bitmap) 'flymake-double-left-arrow)) +#+end_src + +Flymake normally uses italics for warnings, but my italics font being cursive +makes that a bit too visually noisy. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(custom-set-faces! + '(compilation-warning :slant normal :weight bold) + '(flymake-note-echo :underline nil :inherit compilation-info)) +#+end_src + +And just to make sure nothing else accidentally starts running: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle packages.el +(package! flycheck :disable t) +(package! flyspell :disable t) +#+end_src + +*** Tooltips + +Having an IDE-style tooltip pop up is nice, but ~flymake-popon~ is a bit ugly by default. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(after! flymake-popon + ; Widen popon + (setq flymake-popon-width 120) + ; Add visible border + (set-face-foreground 'flymake-popon-posframe-border (doom-color 'selection))) +#+end_src + +** Indent Guides + +#+call: confpkg("!Pkg highlight-indent-guides") + +I've found that character-based indent guides work best. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(after! highlight-indent-guides + (setq highlight-indent-guides-method 'character + highlight-indent-guides-character 9615 + highlight-indent-guides-responsive 'top + highlight-indent-guides-auto-character-face-perc 90 + highlight-indent-guides-auto-top-character-face-perc 200)) +#+end_src + +** Language Servers + +#+call: confpkg("!Pkg lsp") + +~lsp-mode~ requires ~avy~, but doesn't load it for some reason. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +;; (advice-add #'lsp-avy-lens :before (cmd! (require 'avy))) +#+end_src + +Here's some convenient leader key bindings as well: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(map! :leader + :desc "Select LSP code lens" + "c L" #'lsp-avy-lens + :desc "Open errors buffer" + "c X" #'flymake-show-project-diagnostics) +#+end_src + +** TODO Magit + +#+call: confpkg("!Pkg magit") + +*** Magit Delta + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle packages.el +(package! magit-delta) +#+end_src + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(use-package! magit-delta + :hook (magit-mode . magit-delta-mode)) +#+end_src + +** Treemacs + +#+call: confpkg("!Pkg treemacs") + +Treemacs is a really useful package, but it also has a lot of defaults I don't +like. Let's add a ~use-package!~ declaration to fix some of them: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(use-package! treemacs + :init + ; More accurate git status + (setq +treemacs-git-mode 'deferred + treemacs-python-executable "/home/kiana/python3-bin/bin/python") + :config + (setq ; Child-frame reading is broken (and sucks anyways) + treemacs-read-string-input 'from-minibuffer + ; Make "SPC 0" work like other window select commands + treemacs-select-when-already-in-treemacs 'stay) + + ; Better font styling + (custom-set-faces! + ; Variable pitch fonts + '((treemacs-root-face + treemacs-file-face) :inherit variable-pitch) + '(treemacs-tags-face :height 0.95 :inherit variable-pitch) + '(treemacs-directory-face :inherit treemacs-file-face) + '((treemacs-git-added-face + treemacs-git-modified-face + treemacs-git-renamed-face + treemacs-git-conflict-face) :inherit treemacs-file-face) + ; Better colors + `(treemacs-git-ignored-face + :foreground ,(doom-color 'base1) :slant italic :inherit treemacs-file-face) + `(treemacs-git-untracked-face + :foreground ,(doom-color 'base1) :inherit treemacs-file-face) + '(treemacs-async-loading-face + :height 0.8 :inherit (font-lock-comment-face treemacs-file-face))) + + (treemacs-hide-gitignored-files-mode) ; Hide git-ignored files by default + (treemacs-fringe-indicator-mode -1) ; No fringe indicator + (treemacs-resize-icons 16) ; Make icons smaller + ) +#+end_src + +*** Project Integration + +I often accidentally open the project tree before I've even selected a project, +which I don't want because it messes up =treemacs-projectile=. Let's fix that +problem: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun ~/treemacs-restrict (&rest _) + (unless (doom-project-p) + (user-error "Must be in a project to open project tree"))) + +(advice-add #'treemacs-select-window :before #'~/treemacs-restrict) +(advice-add #'+treemacs/toggle :before #'~/treemacs-restrict) +#+end_src + +When I do have a project open, Treemacs is flexible and allows you to open +directories other than that project. This /would/ be great and convenient, except +it doesn't do so very well, often opening the wrong directories entirely. This +convenience function ensures that only the project directory is open. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun ~/treemacs-fix-project () + "Modify the current `treemacs' workspace to only include the current project." + (interactive) + (require 'treemacs) + (let* ((name (concat "Perspective " (doom-project-name))) + (project (treemacs-project->create! :name (doom-project-name) :path (directory-file-name (doom-project-root)) + :path-status 'local-readable :is-disabled? nil)) + (workspace (treemacs-workspace->create! :name name :projects (list project) :is-disabled? nil))) + ;; Only rebuild workspace if it doesn't have the structure we expect + (unless (equal (treemacs-current-workspace) workspace) + (setq treemacs--workspaces + (append (remove-if (lambda (w) (string= (treemacs-workspace->name w) name)) + treemacs--workspaces) + (list workspace))) + (setf (treemacs-current-workspace) workspace) + (treemacs--invalidate-buffer-project-cache) + (treemacs--rerender-after-workspace-change)))) +#+end_src + +** TODO VTerm + +#+call: confpkg("!Pkg vterm") + +Set ~vterm~ to use =fish= as its shell: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(after! vterm + (setq-default vterm-shell (executable-find "fish"))) +#+end_src + +** Operation Hints + +I like having hints that show how large the editing operation I just performed +was, but the =ophints= module in Doom doesn't look very good to me (it gets rid of +pulses and color), so I'll override it. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle modules/ui/ophints/packages.el +;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*- +;;; ui/ophints/packages.el + +(package! evil-goggles) +#+end_src + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle modules/ui/ophints/config.el +;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*- +;;; ui/ophints/config.el + +(use-package! evil-goggles + :hook (doom-first-input . evil-goggles-mode) + :init + (setq evil-goggles-duration 0.15 + evil-goggles-blocking-duration 0.12 + evil-goggles-async-duration 0.2) + :config + (pushnew! evil-goggles--commands + '(evil-magit-yank-whole-line + :face evil-goggles-yank-face + :switch evil-goggles-enable-yank + :advice evil-goggles--generic-async-advice) + '(+evil:yank-unindented + :face evil-goggles-yank-face + :switch evil-goggles-enable-yank + :advice evil-goggles--generic-async-advice) + '(+eval:region + :face evil-goggles-yank-face + :switch evil-goggles-enable-yank + :advice evil-goggles--generic-async-advice) + '(evil-fill + :face evil-goggles-fill-and-move-face + :switch evil-goggles-enable-fill-and-move + :advice evil-goggles--generic-async-advice) + '(evil-fill-and-move + :face evil-goggles-fill-and-move-face + :switch evil-goggles-enable-fill-and-move + :advice evil-goggles--generic-async-advice)) + (custom-set-faces! '(evil-goggles-default-face :background "#2b3a7f") + '(evil-goggles-delete-face :inherit magit-diff-removed-highlight) + '(evil-goggles-paste-face :inherit magit-diff-added-highlight) + '(evil-goggles-change-face :inherit evil-goggles-delete-face))) +#+end_src + +* Applications + +** Calculator + +#+call: confpkg("Calc") + +Emacs Calc is the best calculator I've ever used, and given the fact that it's +an RPN calculator, that's saying something. + +*** Leader Key Bindings + +Typing =C-x *= every time I want to use Calc (very often) is annoying. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + + +(map! :leader + :prefix ("#" . "calc") + :desc "Emacs Calc" + "#" #'calc + :desc "Emacs Calc" + "c" #'calc + :desc "Emacs Calc (full window)" + "C" #'full-calc + :desc "Quick Calc" + "q" #'quick-calc + :desc "Keypad" + "k" #'calc-keypad + :desc "Grab region into Calc" + "g" #'~/calc-grab-region + :desc "Paste from stack" + "y" #'calc-copy-to-buffer + :desc "Read keyboard macro" + "m" #'read-kbd-macro + + (:prefix ("e" . "embedded") + :desc "Embedded mode" + "e" #'calc-embedded + :desc "Embedded mode (select)" + "s" #'calc-embedded-select + :desc "Embedded mode (word)" + "w" #'calc-embedded-word + + :desc "Activate special operators" + "a" #'calc-embedded-activate + :desc "Duplicate formula at point" + "d" #'calc-embedded-duplicate + :desc "New formula" + "f" #'calc-embedded-new-formula + :desc "Next formula" + "j" #'calc-embedded-next + :desc "Previous formula" + "k" #'calc-embedded-previous + :desc "Refresh formula at point" + "r" #'calc-embedded-update-formula + :desc "Edit formula at point" + "`" #'calc-embedded-edit)) +#+end_src + +For the grab-region command, I think it makes sense to have it check whether +your selection is a rectangle (=C-v=): + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun ~/calc-grab-region (top bot &optional arg) + "Perform either `calc-grab-region' or `calc-grab-rectangle' depending on +what type of visual state is currently active." + (interactive "r\nP") + (if (eq (evil-visual-type) 'block) + (calc-grab-rectangle top bot arg) + (calc-grab-region top bot arg))) +#+end_src + +*** Evil Bindings + +I want to have evil-esque keybindings in Calc, so let's enable the +=evil-collection= module for it. I haven't found a better way to do this than to +edit the relevant variable in ~init.el~: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle init.el :noweb-ref none +;; Enable evil-collection-calc +(setq +evil-collection-disabled-list + '(anaconda-mode + buff-menu + comint + company + custom + eldoc + elisp-mode + ert + free-keys + helm + help + indent + image + kotlin-mode + outline + replace + shortdoc + simple + slime + lispy)) +#+end_src + +Let's also rebind some keys. Preserving evil's =[= and =]= bindings doesn't make +sense to me, and =C-r= makes more sense as a redo binding than =D D=. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defadvice! ~/evil-collection-calc-bindings () + :after #'evil-collection-calc-setup + (map! :map calc-mode-map + :n "C-r" #'calc-redo + :n "[" #'calc-begin-vector + :n "]" #'calc-end-vector)) +#+end_src + +*** Appearance + +Calc doesn't use faces to show selections by default, which I think is rather +strange. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(after! calc + (setq calc-highlight-selections-with-faces t + calc-show-selections nil) + (custom-set-faces! + `(calc-selected-face :weight extra-bold :foreground ,(doom-color 'highlight)) + `(calc-nonselected-face :weight semi-light :foreground ,(doom-color 'comments)))) +#+end_src + +*** Other Defaults + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(after! calc + (setq calc-window-height 13 ; Make window taller + calc-angle-mode 'rad ; Default to radians + calc-symbolic-mode t ; Symbolic evaluation + )) +#+end_src + +** TODO Mail + +#+call: confpkg() + +I use =isync=, =msmtp= and =mu= as Doom Emacs recommends. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(after! mu4e + (setq sendmail-program (executable-find "msmtp") + send-mail-function #'smtpmail-send-it + message-sendmail-f-is-evil t + message-sendmail-extra-arguments '("--read-envelope-from") + message-send-mail-function #'message-send-mail-with-sendmail)) +#+end_src + +*** Accounts + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(set-email-account! "gmail" + '((mu4e-sent-folder . "/gmail/[Gmail]/Sent Mail") + (mu4e-drafts-folder . "/gmail/[Gmail]/Drafts") + (mu4e-trash-folder . "/gmail/[Gmail]/Trash") + (mu4e-refile-folder . "/gmail/[Gmail]/All Mail") + (smtpmail-smtp-user . "")) + t) +#+end_src + +** Calendar + +The calendar's main purpose for me is to give a better view of the [[*Agenda][Org agenda]]. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(after! calfw + (setq calendar-week-start-day 1) ; Start week on Monday + (setq cfw:org-face-agenda-item-foreground-color (doom-color 'magenta))) + +(map! :leader + :desc "Calendar" + "o c" #'cfw:open-org-calendar) +#+end_src + +* Org + +#+call: confpkg() + +I love ~org-mode~. In fact, I love it so much that I'm willing to give it its own +top-level section in this config! Its power and flexibility are unmatched by any +other productivity/organization tool I've ever used. Much like Emacs itself, all +alternatives simply vanish. + +Unfortunately, with that power comes a *lot* of configuration work up-front. It +was completely worth it for me when I made it out the other end, but that +doesn't mean everyone would have the time or patience to make it work. + +** Basic Configuration + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + +(after! org + (setq org-directory "~/org/" + org-cycle-emulate-tab nil ; We don't need this with evil + org-attach-dir-relative t + org-log-into-drawer t ; Write logs into :LOGBOOK: + org-footnote-auto-label 'confirm ; Allow editing of footnote names + org-startup-with-inline-images t ; Do more stuff on startup + org-startup-with-latex-preview t + +org-startup-with-animated-gifs t + org-format-latex-options ; Make latex preview smaller + (plist-put org-format-latex-options :scale 0.55)) + + ;; Todo Keywords + org-todo-keywords + '((sequence "TODO(t)" "STRT(s)" "WAIT(w)" "|" "DONE(d)") + (sequence "PROJ(p)" "NEXT(n)" "WORK(o!)" "HOLD(h@/!)" "|" "FIN(f!/@)") + (sequence "|" "KILL(k@)")) + org-todo-keyword-faces + '(("STRT" . +org-todo-active) + ("WAIT" . +org-todo-onhold) + ("KILL" . +org-todo-cancel) + ("PROJ" . +org-todo-project) + ("WORK" . +org-todo-active) + ("HOLD" . +org-todo-onhold)) + + ;; Customize appearance + org-hide-emphasis-markers t + org-hide-leading-stars nil + org-superstar-item-bullet-alist '((42 . 8226) + (43 . 8226) + (45 . 8226))) + +;; Bindings +(map! :after org + :map org-mode-map + :i "TAB" #'indent-for-tab-command + :i "" #'indent-for-tab-command + + :localleader + "N" #'org-num-mode + "C" #'org-columns + "p" #'org-priority ; Remove extraneous commands + "c D" #'org-clock-display + "m b f" #'org-table-eval-formula + "m b F" #'org-table-edit-formulas + + ;; Map babel commands into localleader + :desc "babel" + "v" (lookup-key org-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-v"))) + +#+end_src + +*** Project Links + +It's sometimes nice to be able to click a link in an Org file that takes me to +one of my projects. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun org-projectile-follow (path _) + "Open a projectile link to PATH." + (projectile-switch-project-by-name path)) + +(defun org-projectile-completion (&optional arg) + (let ((project (completing-read "Project: " projectile-known-projects nil 'confirm))) + (concat "projectile:" project))) + +(after! org + (org-link-set-parameters "projectile" + :follow #'org-projectile-follow + :complete #'org-projectile-completion)) +#+end_src + +*** Export Directory + +Org mode by default exports to the same directory the org-mode file is in. This +is inconvenient for me, as I use a lot of subdirectories. To fix this, we can +advise the function ~org-export-output-file-name~. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defvar org-export-dir (expand-file-name "export/" org-directory) + "The directory to export Org mode files to. + +If nil, then `default-directory' for the org buffer is used.") + +(defadvice! ~/modify-org-export-dir (orig-fn extension &optional subtreep pub-dir) + :around #'org-export-output-file-name + (unless pub-dir + (setq pub-dir org-export-dir)) + (unless (file-directory-p pub-dir) + (make-directory pub-dir t)) + (funcall orig-fn extension subtreep pub-dir)) +#+end_src + +** Tags + +Org mode offers a useful tag hierarchy system, configured via ~org-tag-alist~. +We'll be using ~org-tag-persistent-alist~ instead so that our tag hierarchy can't +be overwritten. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defvar classes-mwf '() + "Classes that belong under the :MWF: tag.") +(defvar classes-tr '() + "Classes that belong under the :TR: tag.") +(defvar classes-online '() + "Classes that belong under the :online: tag.") + +(after! org + (setq classes-mwf '(("HIST1111" . ?1)) + classes-tr '(("MATH2203" . ?2)) + classes-online '(("HIST2111" . ?3))) + + (setq org-tag-persistent-alist + `(("area" . ?A) ("goal" . ?G) ("project" . ?P) ("meta" . ?M) + (:newline) + + ;; Topics + ("economics" . ?e) ("polsci" . ?p) ("math" . ?m) ("history" . ?h) + (:startgrouptag) ("math") + (:grouptags) ("calculus" . ?c) ("algebra" . ?a) (:endgrouptag) + + ;; Classes + (:startgroup) ("college") + (:grouptags) ("TR") ("MWF") ("online") (:endgroup) + + (:startgroup) ("MWF") + (:grouptags) ,@classes-mwf (:endgroup) + + (:startgroup) ("TR") + (:grouptags) ,@classes-tr (:endgroup) + + (:startgroup) ("Online") + (:grouptags) ,@classes-online (:endgroup)))) +#+end_src + +** TODO Capture Templates + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun ~/org-project-find-heading () + "Find heading in org project file." + (beginning-of-buffer) + ;; (unless (string-match-p "\\`\\s-*$" (thing-at-point 'line)) + ;; (insert "\n") + ;; (beginning-of-buffer)) + (when (y-or-n-p "Insert project at heading? ") + (require 'consult-org) + ;; Prevent consult from trying to recenter the window + ;; after capture has already hidden the buffer + (let (consult-after-jump-hook) + (consult--read + (consult--slow-operation "Collecting headings..." + (or (consult-org--headings nil "-project" nil) + (user-error "No headings"))) + :prompt "Heading: " + :category 'consult-org-heading + :sort nil + :require-match t + :history '(:input consult-org--history) + :narrow (consult-org--narrow) + :state (consult--jump-state) + :group nil + :lookup #'consult--lookup-candidate)))) + +(after! org + (setq org-capture-templates + '(("t" "Task") + ("tt" "Task" entry (file+headline "" "Tasks") + "* TODO %?" :empty-lines 1) + ("td" "Task with Deadline" entry (file+headline "" "Tasks") + "* TODO %?\nDEADLINE: %^{Deadline}T" :empty-lines 1) + ("tD" "Task with Deadline (date only)" entry (file+headline "" "Tasks") + "* TODO %?\nDEADLINE: %^{Deadline}t" :empty-lines 1) + ("ts" "Scheduled Task" entry (file+headline "" "Tasks") + "* TODO %?\nSCHEDULED: %^{Time}T" :empty-lines 1) + ("tS" "Scheduled Task (date only)" entry (file+headline "" "Tasks") + "* TODO %?\nSCHEDULED: %^{Date}t" :empty-lines 1) + ("e" "Event" entry (file+headline "" "Events") + "* %?\n%^T" :empty-lines 1) + ("E" "Event (date only)" entry (file+headline "" "Events") + "* %?\n$^t" :empty-lines 1) + ("p" "Project" entry (file+function "" ~/org-project-find-heading) + "* PROJ %? :project:\n:PROPERTIES:\n:VISIBILITY: folded\n:END: +:LOGBOOK:\n- Created %U\n:END:" + :empty-lines 1)))) +#+end_src + +** Agenda + +#+call: confpkg("Org Agenda") + +*** Default Agenda View + +The ~org-agenda~ dispatcher is occasionally useful, but most of the time when I +want to open my agenda, it's to see a specific view. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(after! org + (setq org-agenda-custom-commands + '(("n" "Agenda and all tasks" + ((agenda "") + (tags-todo "-goal-project+DEADLINE=\"\"+SCHEDULED=\"\"+TIMESTAMP=\"\"") + (stuck "")))) + org-stuck-projects + '("project/!-TODO-STRT-WAIT-DONE" + ("PROJ" "NEXT" "FIN" "KILL") + nil ""))) + +(defun ~/org-agenda (&optional arg) + "Wrapper around preferred agenda view." + (interactive "P") + (org-agenda arg "n")) + +(map! :leader + :desc "Org agenda" + "o a" #'~/org-agenda + :desc "Org agenda dispatcher" ; Use shift to access full dispatcher + "o A" #'org-agenda) +#+end_src + +*** Agenda Files + +I have a lot of different subdirectories and groupings in my org directory, but +unfortunately directories listed in ~org-agenda-files~ aren't checked recursively! +I haven't yet found out how to solve this problem directly, so instead I'm going +to mitigate it somewhat by recursively adding every subdirectory of my org +directory to ~org-agenda-files~. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun directory-dirs (dirs) + "Recursively find all subdirectories of DIRS, ignoring dotfiles." + (when dirs + (let (result) + (dolist (dir dirs) + (let ((dir (directory-file-name dir)) + (files (directory-files dir nil nil t))) + (dolist (file files) + (unless (= (aref file 0) ?.) + (let ((file (concat dir "/" file))) + (when (file-directory-p file) + (setq result (cons file result)))))))) + (append dirs (directory-dirs result))))) + +(defvar org-agenda-files-function #'org-agenda-files-function + "The function to determine the org agenda files.") + +(defun org-agenda-files-function (get-dirs) + (funcall get-dirs (list org-directory))) + +(defun ~/org-agenda-files-update (&optional fn) + "Populate `org-agenda-files' with the result of calling FN, or +`org-agenda-files-function' by default." + (interactive) + (unless fn + (setq fn org-agenda-files-function)) + (setq org-agenda-files (funcall fn #'directory-dirs))) + + +(after! org (~/org-agenda-files-update)) +#+end_src + +** Citations + +#+call: confpkg("Org Cite") + +Org mode has a very robust system for specifying citations, one which is taken +advantage of by the package =citar=. + +Let's start with some configuration. I use [[][Zotero]] to manage my citations, and +when I want to use them in Org mode I export them to a file =library.json= (CSL +JSON) in my org directory. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(after! org + (setq org-cite-csl-styles-dir "~/Zotero/styles" + org-cite-csl--fallback-style-file "/home/kiana/Zotero/styles/modern-language-styles.csl" + org-cite-global-bibliography (list (expand-file-name "library.json" org-directory)) + citar-bibliography org-cite-global-bibliography)) +#+end_src + +And we should also make it look a little prettier: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +;; Make faces conform to theme +(after! org + (custom-set-faces! + `(org-cite :foreground ,(doom-color 'green)) + `(org-cite-key :slant italic :foreground ,(doom-color 'green)))) + +;; Citar icons +(after! citar + (setq citar-indicators + (list + (citar-indicator-create + :symbol (nerd-icons-mdicon "nf-md-link" + :face 'nerd-icons-lblue) + :padding " " + :function #'citar-has-links + :tag "has:links") + (citar-indicator-create + :symbol (nerd-icons-mdicon "nf-md-file" + :face 'nerd-icons-lred) + :padding " " + :function #'citar-has-files + :tag "has:files") + (citar-indicator-create + :symbol (nerd-icons-mdicon "nf-md-note_text" + :face 'nerd-icons-blue) + :padding " " + :function #'citar-has-notes + :tag "has:notes") + (citar-indicator-create + :symbol (nerd-icons-mdicon "nf-md-check" + :face 'nerd-icons-lgreen) + :padding " " + :function #'citar-is-cited + :tag "is:cited")))) +#+end_src + +** Journal + +#+call: conpfkg("Org Journal") + +I don't use ~org-journal~ anymore, but I'm keeping my old configuration for it in +case I want to go back. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(after! org-journal + ;; One entry per day, no separation + (setq org-journal-file-format "%Y-%m-%d" + org-journal-hide-entries-p nil)) +#+end_src + +To make opening the journal more convenient, here's a command to open the latest +entry: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun +org/org-journal-open-latest () + (interactive) + (require 'org-journal) + (funcall org-journal-find-file + (car (last (seq-filter #'file-regular-p + (directory-files org-journal-dir t)))))) + +(map! :leader + :desc "Journal" + "o j" #'+org/org-journal-open-latest) +#+end_src + +** Org Roam + +#+call: confpkg() + +I'm still in the middle of developing my workflow with =org-roam=. Here's what I +have so far. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun org-roam-node-file-maybe (node &optional dir) + "Get file name from NODE, or return a default filename in directory DIR." + (unless dir (setq dir org-roam-directory)) + (or (org-roam-node-file node) + (expand-file-name (concat "%<%Y%m%d%H%M%S>-" (org-roam-node-slug node) ".org") + dir))) + +(defun org-roam-node-file-maybe-pick-dir (node) + "Get file name from NODE, or ask for directory and return a default filename." + (or (org-roam-node-file node) + (expand-file-name (concat "%<%Y%m%d%H%M%S>-" (org-roam-node-slug node) ".org") + (read-directory-name "Directory: " org-roam-directory)))) + + +(after! org-roam + (setq org-roam-mode-sections + '((org-roam-backlinks-section :unique t) + org-roam-reflinks-section + org-roam-unlinked-references-section) + org-roam-capture-templates + '(("d" "Default" plain "%?" + :target (file+head "${file-maybe-pick-dir}" + "#+title: ${title}\n#+filetags:") + :unnarrowed t)) + org-roam-dailies-capture-templates + '(("d" "Default" entry "* %?" + :target (file+head "%<%Y-%m-%d>.org" + "#+title: %<%Y-%m-%d>"))))) +#+end_src + +*** Roam Links + +Making links to Roam nodes is a bit finicky. This helps fix some of that. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun org-roam-completion (&optional arg) + (let ((node (org-roam-node-read nil nil nil t))) + (concat "id:" (org-roam-node-id node)))) + +(defun org-roam-insert-description (idstr) + (org-roam-node-title (org-roam-node-from-id (substring idstr 3)))) + +(after! org + (org-link-set-parameters "roam" + :complete #'org-roam-completion + :insert-description #'org-roam-insert-description)) +#+end_src + +* Languages and Modes + +Despite Emacs being my editor of choice for programming, I don't actually have a +lot of configuration for programming languages. I suppose that this is because +language packages tend to not need much configuration, as the bounds of what a +language mode needs to do are typically defined by the language itself. + +** Haskell + +#+call: confpkg("!Mode haskell") + +Operators being in italics looks ugly, so let's fix that. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(after! haskell-mode + (custom-set-faces! '(haskell-operator-face :slant normal))) +#+end_src + +** Dired + +#+call: confpkg("!Mode dired") + +Dired by default spawns a new buffer for every directory, which clutters up your +buffer list very quickly. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(after! dired + (setq dired-kill-when-opening-new-dired-buffer t)) +#+end_src + +** Prose + +#+call: confpkg("!Mode text") + +I like having ~auto-fill-mode~ on while writing text: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(add-hook! text-mode #'auto-fill-mode) +#+end_src diff --git a/snippets/org-mode/begin b/snippets/org-mode/begin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..54dc52f --- /dev/null +++ b/snippets/org-mode/begin @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# -*- mode: snippet -*- +# name: latex-begin +# uuid: latex-begin +# key: begin +# -- +\begin{${1:equation*}} +$0 +\end{$1} \ No newline at end of file