Update Graphics.Display
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,21 +8,26 @@ import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import GOL.Space
import Graphics.Gloss
-- * Drawing the display grid
square :: Float -> Point -> Picture
square size (x, y) = translate (x + size / 2) y (rectangleUpperSolid size size)
squareAtIndex :: (Int, Int) -> Float -> Picture
squareAtIndex (x, y) size = square size (fromIntegral x * size, fromIntegral y * size)
-- * Calculating the display grid
drawCell :: DisplayableSpace f => f Bool -> (Int, Int) -> Float -> Maybe Picture
drawCell xs pos size =
if index xs pos
then Just $ squareAtIndex pos size
else Nothing
drawGrid :: forall f. DisplayableSpace f => f Bool -> Float -> [Picture]
drawGrid xs size =
drawCells :: forall f. DisplayableSpace f => f Bool -> Float -> [Picture]
drawCells xs size =
let poss = (,) <$> [0 .. sizex @f -1] <*> [0 .. sizey @f -1]
in mapMaybe (\pos -> drawCell xs pos size) poss
drawGrid :: forall f. DisplayableSpace f => f Bool -> (Int, Int) -> Picture
drawGrid xs (w, h) =
let size = fromIntegral $ if w > h then h `div` sizey @f else w `div` sizex @f
in color white $ pictures $ drawCells xs size
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