Compare commits
No commits in common. "3826a1324466ce7f8fc4858173b453652695d5a7" and "b40650cd6bde21d781d0737d654f0d3aaa85f6d8" have entirely different histories.
@ -13,3 +13,10 @@ depends = contrib
executable = advent-of-code-2024
executable = advent-of-code-2024
main = Main
main = Main
modules = Main, Utils, AllDays,
Day1.Part1, Day1.Part2,
Day2.Part1, Day2.Part2,
Day3.Part1, Day3.Part2,
Day4.Part1, Day4.Part2,
Day5.Part1, Day5.Part2
@ -10,7 +10,3 @@ import public Day4.Part1
import public Day4.Part2
import public Day4.Part2
import public Day5.Part1
import public Day5.Part1
import public Day5.Part2
import public Day5.Part2
import public Day6.Part1
import public Day6.Part2
import public Day7.Part1
import public Day7.Part2
@ -3,15 +3,17 @@ module Day4.Part1
import Data.String
import Data.String
import Data.Vect
import Data.Vect
import Utils
%default total
%default total
public export
public export
Board : Nat -> Nat -> Type
Board : Nat -> Nat -> Type
Board h w = Grid h w Char
Board h w = Vect h (Vect w Char)
public export
Pos : Nat -> Nat -> Type
Pos h w = (Fin h, Fin w)
public export
public export
@ -25,10 +27,19 @@ directions = [U, UR, R, DR, D, DL, L, UL]
parseInput : String -> Maybe (h ** w ** Board h w)
parseInput : String -> Maybe (h ** w ** Board h w)
parseInput = parseGrid
parseInput inp =
let ls@(row :: _) = unpack <$> lines inp
| [] => Just (0 ** 0 ** [])
width = length row
in map (\l => (length l ** width ** fromList l))
(traverse (toVect width) ls)
--- DATA
--- DATA
index : Pos h w -> Board h w -> Char
index (i, j) = index j . index i
predFin : Fin n -> Maybe (Fin n)
predFin : Fin n -> Maybe (Fin n)
predFin FZ = Nothing
predFin FZ = Nothing
predFin (FS x) = Just $ weaken x
predFin (FS x) = Just $ weaken x
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import Data.String
import Data.Vect
import Data.Vect
import Day4.Part1
import Day4.Part1
import Utils
%default total
%default total
@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
module Day6.Part1
import Data.Colist
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Vect
import Data.Vect.Quantifiers
import Utils
%default total
public export
data Direction = U | R | D | L
Eq Direction where
U == U = True
D == D = True
L == L = True
R == R = True
_ == _ = False
-- True if there is an obstacle
public export
Map : Nat -> Nat -> Type
Map h w = Grid h w Bool
parseDir : Char -> Maybe Direction
parseDir '^' = Just U
parseDir '>' = Just R
parseDir 'v' = Just D
parseDir '<' = Just L
parseDir _ = Nothing
parseInput : String -> Maybe (h ** w ** (Map h w, Pos h w, Direction))
parseInput inp = do
(h ** w ** grid) <- parseGrid inp
g <- findGuard grid
pure (h ** w ** ((map . map) (=='#') grid, g))
findGuard : Vect h (Vect w Char) -> Maybe (Pos h w, Direction)
findGuard [] = Nothing
findGuard (row :: vs) =
case any (\c => isItJust (parseDir c)) row of
Yes p => Just ((FZ, cast $ anyToFin p), fromJust _ @{anyToFinCorrect p})
No _ => map (mapFst (mapFst FS)) $ findGuard vs
--- DATA
predFin : Fin n -> Maybe (Fin n)
predFin FZ = Nothing
predFin (FS x) = Just $ weaken x
moveDir : {h, w : _} -> Direction -> Pos h w -> Maybe (Pos h w)
moveDir U (i, j) = (,j) <$> predFin i
moveDir R (i, j) = (i,) <$> strengthen (FS j)
moveDir D (i, j) = (,j) <$> strengthen (FS i)
moveDir L (i, j) = (i,) <$> predFin j
rotate : Direction -> Direction
rotate U = R
rotate R = D
rotate D = L
rotate L = U
getRoute : {h, w : _} -> (Pos h w, Direction) -> Map h w
-> Colist (Pos h w, Direction)
getRoute (pos, dir) mp =
let Just next = moveDir dir pos
| Nothing => [(pos, dir)]
in (pos, dir) ::
if index next mp
then getRoute (pos, rotate dir) mp
else getRoute (next, dir) mp
forceList : Colist a -> List a
forceList [] = []
forceList (x :: xs) = x :: forceList xs
export covering
solution : String -> Maybe Nat
solution inp = do
(h ** w ** (mp, g)) <- parseInput inp
pure $ length $ nub $ map fst $ forceList $ getRoute g mp
@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
module Day6.Part2
import Data.Colist
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Vect
import Day6.Part1
import Utils
%default total
--- DATA
getCollisions : {h, w : _} -> (Pos h w, Direction) -> Map h w
-> Colist (Pos h w, Direction)
getCollisions (pos, dir) mp =
let Just next = moveDir dir pos
| Nothing => []
in if index next mp
then (next, dir) :: getCollisions (pos, rotate dir) mp
else assert_total $ getCollisions (next, dir) mp
insertObs : Pos h w -> Map h w -> Map h w
insertObs (i, j) = updateAt i (replaceAt j True)
-- Must be total, as element type is finite
checkRepeated : Colist (Pos h w, Direction) -> Bool
checkRepeated = assert_total $ go []
go : Eq a => List a -> Colist a -> Bool
go _ [] = False
go seen (x :: xs) =
(x `elem` seen) || go (x :: seen) xs
loopPos : {h, w : _} -> (Pos h w, Direction) -> Map h w
-> List (Pos h w)
loopPos g mp = do
i <- toList $ range {len=h}
j <- toList $ range {len=w}
let obs = (i,j)
guard (obs /= fst g && not (index obs mp)) -- must be empty space
let cols = getCollisions g $ insertObs obs mp
guard (collides obs cols) -- guard must collide with obstacle
guard (checkRepeated cols) -- must cause a loop
pure obs
-- Total in practice because routes that don't hit the new obstacle should
-- be finite, but we can't assume that from user input, so mark as covering
collides : Pos h w -> Colist (Pos h w, Direction) -> Bool
collides _ [] = False
collides obs ((pos, _) :: cols) =
pos == obs || collides obs cols
export covering
solution : String -> Maybe Nat
solution inp = do
(h ** w ** (mp, g)) <- parseInput inp
pure $ length $ loopPos g mp
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
module Day7.Part1
import Data.List1
import Data.String
import Utils
%default total
public export
Op : Type
Op = Nat -> Nat -> Nat
parseLine : String -> Maybe (Nat, List1 Nat)
parseLine inp =
let (part1 ::: [part2]) = split (==':') inp
| _ => Nothing
in (,) <$> parseNat part1
<*> (traverse parseNat =<< fromList (words part2))
parseInput : String -> Maybe (List (Nat, List1 Nat))
parseInput = traverse parseLine . lines
--- DATA
search : List Op -> (tg, tot : Nat) -> List Nat -> Bool
search _ tg tot [] = tg == tot
search ops tg tot (x :: xs) =
-- heuristic: abandon if running total is larger than target
tot <= tg && any (\op => search ops tg (op tot x) xs) ops
solution : String -> Maybe Nat
solution = map (sum . map fst . filter (\(tg,x:::xs) => search [(+),(*)] tg x xs))
. parseInput
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
module Day7.Part2
import Data.List1
import Day7.Part1
import Utils
%default total
--- DATA
concat : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
concat x y = cast $ show x ++ show y
solution : String -> Maybe Nat
solution = map (sum . map fst
. filter (\(tg,x:::xs) => search [(+),(*),concat] tg x xs))
. parseInput
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import AllDays
||| The latest problem that has been solved.
||| The latest problem that has been solved.
latest : Problem
latest : Problem
latest = Pr 7 Part2
latest = Pr 5 Part2
solMap : SortedMap Problem (String -> String)
solMap : SortedMap Problem (String -> String)
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ module Utils
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Maybe
import Data.String
import Data.String
import Data.String.Parser
import Data.String.Parser
import Data.Vect
%default total
%default total
@ -29,25 +28,3 @@ scan p = until p *> p
export covering
export covering
scanWhile : Monad m => ParseT m a -> ParseT m b -> ParseT m b
scanWhile : Monad m => ParseT m a -> ParseT m b -> ParseT m b
scanWhile w p = many (lookahead w *> requireFailure p *> skip (satisfy (const True))) *> p
scanWhile w p = many (lookahead w *> requireFailure p *> skip (satisfy (const True))) *> p
public export
Grid : (h, w : Nat) -> Type -> Type
Grid h w a = Vect h (Vect w a)
public export
Pos : (h, w : Nat) -> Type
Pos h w = (Fin h, Fin w)
parseGrid : String -> Maybe (h ** w ** Grid h w Char)
parseGrid str =
let ls@(row :: _) = unpack <$> lines str
| [] => Just (0 ** 0 ** [])
width = length row
in map (\l => (length l ** width ** fromList l))
(traverse (toVect width) ls)
index : Pos h w -> Grid h w a -> a
index (i, j) = index j . index i
Reference in a new issue