Compare commits


No commits in common. "3826a1324466ce7f8fc4858173b453652695d5a7" and "b40650cd6bde21d781d0737d654f0d3aaa85f6d8" have entirely different histories.

10 changed files with 23 additions and 256 deletions

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@ -13,3 +13,10 @@ depends = contrib
executable = advent-of-code-2024
main = Main
modules = Main, Utils, AllDays,
Day1.Part1, Day1.Part2,
Day2.Part1, Day2.Part2,
Day3.Part1, Day3.Part2,
Day4.Part1, Day4.Part2,
Day5.Part1, Day5.Part2

View file

@ -10,7 +10,3 @@ import public Day4.Part1
import public Day4.Part2
import public Day5.Part1
import public Day5.Part2
import public Day6.Part1
import public Day6.Part2
import public Day7.Part1
import public Day7.Part2

View file

@ -3,15 +3,17 @@ module Day4.Part1
import Data.String
import Data.Vect
import Utils
%default total
public export
Board : Nat -> Nat -> Type
Board h w = Grid h w Char
Board h w = Vect h (Vect w Char)
public export
Pos : Nat -> Nat -> Type
Pos h w = (Fin h, Fin w)
public export
@ -25,10 +27,19 @@ directions = [U, UR, R, DR, D, DL, L, UL]
parseInput : String -> Maybe (h ** w ** Board h w)
parseInput = parseGrid
parseInput inp =
let ls@(row :: _) = unpack <$> lines inp
| [] => Just (0 ** 0 ** [])
width = length row
in map (\l => (length l ** width ** fromList l))
(traverse (toVect width) ls)
--- DATA
index : Pos h w -> Board h w -> Char
index (i, j) = index j . index i
predFin : Fin n -> Maybe (Fin n)
predFin FZ = Nothing
predFin (FS x) = Just $ weaken x

View file

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import Data.String
import Data.Vect
import Day4.Part1
import Utils
%default total

View file

@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
module Day6.Part1
import Data.Colist
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Vect
import Data.Vect.Quantifiers
import Utils
%default total
public export
data Direction = U | R | D | L
Eq Direction where
U == U = True
D == D = True
L == L = True
R == R = True
_ == _ = False
-- True if there is an obstacle
public export
Map : Nat -> Nat -> Type
Map h w = Grid h w Bool
parseDir : Char -> Maybe Direction
parseDir '^' = Just U
parseDir '>' = Just R
parseDir 'v' = Just D
parseDir '<' = Just L
parseDir _ = Nothing
parseInput : String -> Maybe (h ** w ** (Map h w, Pos h w, Direction))
parseInput inp = do
(h ** w ** grid) <- parseGrid inp
g <- findGuard grid
pure (h ** w ** ((map . map) (=='#') grid, g))
findGuard : Vect h (Vect w Char) -> Maybe (Pos h w, Direction)
findGuard [] = Nothing
findGuard (row :: vs) =
case any (\c => isItJust (parseDir c)) row of
Yes p => Just ((FZ, cast $ anyToFin p), fromJust _ @{anyToFinCorrect p})
No _ => map (mapFst (mapFst FS)) $ findGuard vs
--- DATA
predFin : Fin n -> Maybe (Fin n)
predFin FZ = Nothing
predFin (FS x) = Just $ weaken x
moveDir : {h, w : _} -> Direction -> Pos h w -> Maybe (Pos h w)
moveDir U (i, j) = (,j) <$> predFin i
moveDir R (i, j) = (i,) <$> strengthen (FS j)
moveDir D (i, j) = (,j) <$> strengthen (FS i)
moveDir L (i, j) = (i,) <$> predFin j
rotate : Direction -> Direction
rotate U = R
rotate R = D
rotate D = L
rotate L = U
getRoute : {h, w : _} -> (Pos h w, Direction) -> Map h w
-> Colist (Pos h w, Direction)
getRoute (pos, dir) mp =
let Just next = moveDir dir pos
| Nothing => [(pos, dir)]
in (pos, dir) ::
if index next mp
then getRoute (pos, rotate dir) mp
else getRoute (next, dir) mp
forceList : Colist a -> List a
forceList [] = []
forceList (x :: xs) = x :: forceList xs
export covering
solution : String -> Maybe Nat
solution inp = do
(h ** w ** (mp, g)) <- parseInput inp
pure $ length $ nub $ map fst $ forceList $ getRoute g mp

View file

@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
module Day6.Part2
import Data.Colist
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Vect
import Day6.Part1
import Utils
%default total
--- DATA
getCollisions : {h, w : _} -> (Pos h w, Direction) -> Map h w
-> Colist (Pos h w, Direction)
getCollisions (pos, dir) mp =
let Just next = moveDir dir pos
| Nothing => []
in if index next mp
then (next, dir) :: getCollisions (pos, rotate dir) mp
else assert_total $ getCollisions (next, dir) mp
insertObs : Pos h w -> Map h w -> Map h w
insertObs (i, j) = updateAt i (replaceAt j True)
-- Must be total, as element type is finite
checkRepeated : Colist (Pos h w, Direction) -> Bool
checkRepeated = assert_total $ go []
go : Eq a => List a -> Colist a -> Bool
go _ [] = False
go seen (x :: xs) =
(x `elem` seen) || go (x :: seen) xs
loopPos : {h, w : _} -> (Pos h w, Direction) -> Map h w
-> List (Pos h w)
loopPos g mp = do
i <- toList $ range {len=h}
j <- toList $ range {len=w}
let obs = (i,j)
guard (obs /= fst g && not (index obs mp)) -- must be empty space
let cols = getCollisions g $ insertObs obs mp
guard (collides obs cols) -- guard must collide with obstacle
guard (checkRepeated cols) -- must cause a loop
pure obs
-- Total in practice because routes that don't hit the new obstacle should
-- be finite, but we can't assume that from user input, so mark as covering
collides : Pos h w -> Colist (Pos h w, Direction) -> Bool
collides _ [] = False
collides obs ((pos, _) :: cols) =
pos == obs || collides obs cols
export covering
solution : String -> Maybe Nat
solution inp = do
(h ** w ** (mp, g)) <- parseInput inp
pure $ length $ loopPos g mp

View file

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
module Day7.Part1
import Data.List1
import Data.String
import Utils
%default total
public export
Op : Type
Op = Nat -> Nat -> Nat
parseLine : String -> Maybe (Nat, List1 Nat)
parseLine inp =
let (part1 ::: [part2]) = split (==':') inp
| _ => Nothing
in (,) <$> parseNat part1
<*> (traverse parseNat =<< fromList (words part2))
parseInput : String -> Maybe (List (Nat, List1 Nat))
parseInput = traverse parseLine . lines
--- DATA
search : List Op -> (tg, tot : Nat) -> List Nat -> Bool
search _ tg tot [] = tg == tot
search ops tg tot (x :: xs) =
-- heuristic: abandon if running total is larger than target
tot <= tg && any (\op => search ops tg (op tot x) xs) ops
solution : String -> Maybe Nat
solution = map (sum . map fst . filter (\(tg,x:::xs) => search [(+),(*)] tg x xs))
. parseInput

View file

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
module Day7.Part2
import Data.List1
import Day7.Part1
import Utils
%default total
--- DATA
concat : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
concat x y = cast $ show x ++ show y
solution : String -> Maybe Nat
solution = map (sum . map fst
. filter (\(tg,x:::xs) => search [(+),(*),concat] tg x xs))
. parseInput

View file

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import AllDays
||| The latest problem that has been solved.
latest : Problem
latest = Pr 7 Part2
latest = Pr 5 Part2
solMap : SortedMap Problem (String -> String)

View file

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ module Utils
import Data.Maybe
import Data.String
import Data.String.Parser
import Data.Vect
%default total
@ -29,25 +28,3 @@ scan p = until p *> p
export covering
scanWhile : Monad m => ParseT m a -> ParseT m b -> ParseT m b
scanWhile w p = many (lookahead w *> requireFailure p *> skip (satisfy (const True))) *> p
public export
Grid : (h, w : Nat) -> Type -> Type
Grid h w a = Vect h (Vect w a)
public export
Pos : (h, w : Nat) -> Type
Pos h w = (Fin h, Fin w)
parseGrid : String -> Maybe (h ** w ** Grid h w Char)
parseGrid str =
let ls@(row :: _) = unpack <$> lines str
| [] => Just (0 ** 0 ** [])
width = length row
in map (\l => (length l ** width ** fromList l))
(traverse (toVect width) ls)
index : Pos h w -> Grid h w a -> a
index (i, j) = index j . index i