Compare commits
No commits in common. "14f7539bef49c3bf16394640f5fc1b05b0065ff4" and "d0a2aaef36b099daed4494aa4eea8c9915f7e7cf" have entirely different histories.
@ -18,5 +18,4 @@ modules = Main, Utils, AllDays,
Day1.Part1, Day1.Part2,
Day2.Part1, Day2.Part2,
Day3.Part1, Day3.Part2,
Day4.Part1, Day4.Part2,
Day5.Part1, Day5.Part2
Day4.Part1, Day4.Part2
@ -8,5 +8,3 @@ import public Day3.Part1
import public Day3.Part2
import public Day4.Part1
import public Day4.Part2
import public Day5.Part1
import public Day5.Part2
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ checkString board str = go (unpack str)
go [] _ _ = True
go (c :: cs) pos dir =
let Just next = moveDir dir pos
| Nothing => False
| Nothing => False
in index next board == c && go cs next dir
@ -88,5 +88,5 @@ export
solution : String -> Maybe Nat
solution inp =
let Just (_ ** _ ** board) = parseInput inp
| Nothing => Nothing
| Nothing => Nothing
in Just $ countString board "XMAS"
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ checkMS board pos =
let Just [ul, ur, dl, dr] =
map (map (`index` board))
$ traverse {t=Vect _} (`moveDir` pos) [UL, UR, DL, DR]
| Nothing => False
| Nothing => False
in ((ul == 'M' && dr == 'S') || (ul == 'S' && dr == 'M')) &&
((ur == 'M' && dl == 'S') || (ur == 'S' && dl == 'M'))
@ -27,5 +27,5 @@ export
solution : String -> Maybe Nat
solution inp =
let Just (_ ** _ ** board) = parseInput inp
| Nothing => Nothing
| Nothing => Nothing
in Just $ countMAS board
@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
module Day5.Part1
import Data.Fin
import Data.List
import Data.List1
import Data.String
import Utils
%default total
public export
Rule : Type
Rule = (Nat, Nat)
public export
Update : Type
Update = List Nat
parseRule : String -> Maybe Rule
parseRule str =
case split (=='|') str of
s ::: [s'] => (,) <$> parseNat s <*> parseNat s'
_ => Nothing
parseUpdate : String -> Maybe Update
parseUpdate = traverse parseNat . forget . split (==',')
parseInput : String -> Maybe (List Rule, List Update)
parseInput str =
let ls = lines str
Just div = map finToNat $ findIndex null ls
| Nothing => Nothing
(rs, _ :: us) = splitAt div ls
| (_, []) => Nothing
in (,) <$> traverse parseRule rs <*> traverse parseUpdate us
--- DATA
validateRule : Rule -> Update -> Bool
validateRule (before, after) pages =
fromMaybe True $
(<) <$> findIndex (==before) pages <*> findIndex (==after) pages
-- defined recursively for totality reasons
middle : Update -> Nat
middle xs = go xs (length xs)
go : List Nat -> Nat -> Nat
go [] _ = 0
go (x :: _) 2 = x
go (_ :: xs) (S (S l)) = go xs l
go (x :: _) _ = x
sumValidRules : List Rule -> List Update -> Nat
sumValidRules rs us = sum $ map middle $ filter (\u => all (`validateRule` u) rs) us
solution : String -> Maybe Nat
solution inp = uncurry sumValidRules <$> parseInput inp
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
module Day5.Part2
import Data.Fin
import Data.List
import Data.List1
import Data.Maybe
import Data.String
import Day5.Part1
import Utils
%default total
--- DATA
-- This solution uses Kahn's algorithm!
orderPages : List Rule -> List Nat
orderPages rs = go [] startVs rs
startVs : List Nat
startVs = nub $ filter (not . (`elem` map snd rs)) $ map fst rs
go : (l, s : List Nat) -> List Rule -> List Nat
go l [] _ = reverse l
go l (v :: s) rs =
let (vs, rs') = mapFst (map snd) $ partition ((==v) . fst) rs
s' = filter (not . (`elem` map snd rs')) vs ++ s
in assert_total $ go (v :: l) s' rs'
correctUpdate : List Rule -> Update -> Update
correctUpdate rs u =
let rs' = filter (\(a,b) => elem a u && elem b u) rs
in orderPages rs'
sumCorrectedRules : List Rule -> List Update -> Nat
sumCorrectedRules rs us =
let inv = filter (\u => not $ all (`validateRule` u) rs) us
in sum $ map (middle . correctUpdate rs) inv
solution : String -> Maybe Nat
solution inp = uncurry sumCorrectedRules <$> parseInput inp
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import AllDays
||| The latest problem that has been solved.
latest : Problem
latest = Pr 5 Part2
latest = Pr 4 Part2
solMap : SortedMap Problem (String -> String)
Reference in a new issue