# StartRNR **StartRNR** is an implementation of the cutting-edge player rating system known as **Relative Network Rating (RNR)** for competitive gaming. It uses [start.gg](https://www.start.gg/)'s tournament data to generate and maintain a network of relative advantages between players. Once the advantage network is generated, StartRNR can be used to predict the probability of a player winning a match, generate provably optimal seedings for tournaments, inspect the match history of two players, and create competitive rankings automatically. **All of these features work for any game, in any region, without restriction.** > **Warning**
> StartRNR is unstable and under active development. The design and user > interface of this program is experimental and may be subject to change. > > Currently, only generating datasets has been implemented. ## Installation *For more information, see the [installation page](INSTALL.md).* Build and install StartRNR using `cargo`: ``` sh cargo install --git https://github.com/kiana-S/StartRNR ``` Alternatively, if you use Nix: ``` sh nix profile install github:kiana-S/StartRNR ``` ## Configuration StartRNR stores its rating databases in its config directory, which is located at: - Windows: `%APPDATA%\Roaming\startrnr` - MacOS: `~/Library/Application Support/startrnr` - Linux: `~/.config/startrnr` This directory can be used to store the authentication token, which is required for using StartRNR. ## Details - The RNR System *For more information on RNR, see the [details page](DETAILS.md).*