type Query {
  Returns the authenticated user
  currentUser: User
  Returns an entrant given its id
  entrant(id: ID!): Entrant
  Returns an event given its id or slug
  event(id: ID, slug: String): Event
  Returns a league given its id or slug
  league(id: ID, slug: String): League
  Paginated, filterable list of leagues
  leagues(query: LeagueQuery!): LeagueConnection
  Returns a participant given its id
  participant(id: ID!, isAdmin: Boolean): Participant
  Returns a phase given its id
  phase(id: ID): Phase
  Returns a phase group given its id
  phaseGroup(id: ID): PhaseGroup
  Returns a player given an id
  player(id: ID!): Player
  Returns a phase seed given its id
  seed(id: ID): Seed
  Returns a set given its id
  set(id: ID!): Set
  A shop entity
  shop(id: ID, slug: String): Shop
  Returns an stream given its id
  stream(id: ID!): Streams
  Returns all the stream queues for a given tournament
  streamQueue(tournamentId: ID!, includePlayerStreams: Boolean): [StreamQueue]
  Returns a team given its id
  team(id: ID, slug: String, inviteCode: String): Team
  Returns a tournament given its id or slug
  tournament(id: ID, slug: String): Tournament
  Paginated, filterable list of tournaments
  tournaments(query: TournamentQuery!): TournamentConnection
  Returns a user given a user slug of the form user/abc123, or id
  user(id: ID, slug: String): User
  Returns a videogame given its id
  videogame(id: ID, slug: String): Videogame
  Returns paginated list of videogames matching the search criteria.
  videogames(query: VideogameQuery!): VideogameConnection

A user
type User {
  Authorizations to external services (i.e. Twitch, Twitter)
  authorizations(types: [SocialConnectionType]): [ProfileAuthorization]
  id: ID
  bio: String
  Public facing user birthday that respects user publishing settings
  birthday: String
  Uniquely identifying token for user. Same as the hashed part of the slug
  discriminator: String
  email: String
  Events this user has competed in
  events(query: UserEventsPaginationQuery): EventConnection
  genderPronoun: String
  images(type: String): [Image]
  Leagues this user has competed in
  leagues(query: UserLeaguesPaginationQuery): LeagueConnection
  Public location info for this user
  location: Address
  Public facing user name that respects user publishing settings
  name: String
  player for user
  player: Player
  slug: String
  Tournaments this user is organizing or competing in
  tournaments(query: UserTournamentsPaginationQuery): TournamentConnection

Represents the name of the third-party social service (e.g Twitter) for OAuth
enum SocialConnectionType {






An OAuth ProfileAuthorization object
type ProfileAuthorization {
  id: ID
  The id given by the external service
  externalId: String
  The username given by the external service (including discriminator if discord)
  externalUsername: String
  stream: Stream
  The name of the external service providing this auth i.e. "twitch"
  type: AuthorizationType
  url: String

A Stream object
type Stream {
  id: ID
  Whether the stream is currently live. May be slightly delayed.
  isOnline: Boolean
  The name of the stream
  name: String
  The name of the external service providing this auth i.e. "twitch"
  type: StreamType

Represents the type of stream service
enum StreamType {



Represents the name of the third-party service (e.g Twitter) for OAuth
enum AuthorizationType {









input UserEventsPaginationQuery {
  page: Int = 1
  How many nodes to return for the page. Maximum value of 500
  perPage: Int = 25
  sortBy: String
  filter: UserEventsPaginationFilter

input UserEventsPaginationFilter {
  videogameId: [ID]
  eventType: Int
  minEntrantCount: Int
  maxEntrantCount: Int
  location: LocationFilterType
  search: PaginationSearchType

input LocationFilterType {
  countryCode: String
  state: String
  city: String

input PaginationSearchType {
  fieldsToSearch: [String]
  searchString: String

type EventConnection {
  pageInfo: PageInfo
  nodes: [Event]

type PageInfo {
  total: Int
  totalPages: Int
  page: Int
  perPage: Int
  sortBy: String
  filter: JSON

The `JSON` scalar type represents JSON values as specified by
scalar JSON

An event in a tournament
type Event {
  id: ID
  How long before the event start will the check-in end (in seconds)
  checkInBuffer: Int
  How long the event check-in will last (in seconds)
  checkInDuration: Int
  Whether check-in is enabled for this event
  checkInEnabled: Boolean
  Rough categorization of event tier, denoting relative importance in the competitive scene
  competitionTier: Int
  When the event was created (unix timestamp)
  createdAt: Timestamp
  Last date attendees are able to create teams for team events
  deckSubmissionDeadline: Timestamp
  The entrants that belong to an event, paginated by filter criteria
  entrants(query: EventEntrantPageQuery): EntrantConnection
  Whether the event has decks
  hasDecks: Boolean
  Are player tasks enabled for this event
  hasTasks: Boolean
  images(type: String): [Image]
  Whether the event is an online event or not
  isOnline: Boolean
  league: League
  Markdown field for match rules/instructions
  matchRulesMarkdown: String
  Title of event set by organizer
  name: String
  Gets the number of entrants in this event
  numEntrants: Int
  The phase groups that belong to an event.
  phaseGroups: [PhaseGroup]
  The phases that belong to an event.
    Filter phases by state. If not specified will default to all phases
    state: ActivityState
    Optionally only return results for this phase
    phaseId: ID
  ): [Phase]
  TO settings for prizing
  prizingInfo: JSON
  publishing: JSON
  Markdown field for event rules/instructions
  rulesMarkdown: String
  Id of the event ruleset
  rulesetId: Int
  Paginated sets for this Event
    page: Int
    perPage: Int
    How to sort these sets
    sortType: SetSortType
    Supported filter options to filter down set results.
    filters: SetFilters
  ): SetConnection
  slug: String
  Paginated list of standings
  standings(query: StandingPaginationQuery!): StandingConnection
  When does this event start?
  startAt: Timestamp
  The state of the Event.
  state: ActivityState
  Paginated stations on this event
  stations(query: StationFilter): StationsConnection
  Last date attendees are able to create teams for team events
  teamManagementDeadline: Timestamp
  If this is a teams event, returns whether or not teams can set custom names
  teamNameAllowed: Boolean
  Team roster size requirements
  teamRosterSize: TeamRosterSize
  tournament: Tournament
  The type of the event, whether an entrant will have one participant or multiple
  type: Int
  When the event was last modified (unix timestamp)
  updatedAt: Timestamp
  Whether the event uses the new EventSeeds for seeding
  useEventSeeds: Boolean
  The entrant (if applicable) for a given user in this event
    User to get entrant for. Defaults to currently logged in user.
    userId: ID
  ): Entrant
  videogame: Videogame
  The waves being used by the event
    Waves filtered by phaseId, returns all if not set.
    phaseId: ID
  ): [Wave]

Represents a Unix Timestamp. Supports up to 53 bit int values,
		as that is JavaScript's internal memory allocation for integer values.
scalar Timestamp

input EventEntrantPageQuery {
  page: Int
  perPage: Int
  sortBy: String
  filter: EventEntrantPageQueryFilter

input EventEntrantPageQueryFilter {
  name: String

type EntrantConnection {
  pageInfo: PageInfo
  nodes: [Entrant]

An entrant in an event
type Entrant {
  id: ID
  event: Event
  Entrant's seed number in the first phase of the event.
  initialSeedNum: Int
  isDisqualified: Boolean
  The entrant name as it appears in bracket: gamerTag of the participant or team name
  name: String
  Paginated sets for this entrant
    page: Int
    perPage: Int
    How to sort these sets
    sortType: SetSortType
    Supported filter options to filter down set results.
    filters: SetFilters
  ): SetConnection
  participants: [Participant]
  seeds: [Seed]
  skill: Int
  Standing for this entrant given an event. All entrants queried must be in the same event (for now).
  standing: Standing
  streams: [Streams]
  Team linked to this entrant, if one exists
  team: Team

Different sort type configurations used when displaying multiple sets
enum SetSortType {
  Sets will not be sorted.
  Sets are sorted in the suggested order that they be called to be played. The order of completed sets is reversed.
  Sets are sorted by relevancy dependent on the state and progress of the event.
  Sets are sorted in the order that they were started.
  Deprecated. This is equivalent to CALL_ORDER
  Sets sorted by round and identifier

input SetFilters {
  Only return Sets for these Entrants
  entrantIds: [ID]
  Only return Sets for this Entrant size. For example, to fetch 1v1 Sets only, filter by an entrantSize of 1
  entrantSize: [Int]
  Only return Sets that have an attached VOD
  hasVod: Boolean
  Do not return empty Sets. For example, set this to true to filter out sets that are waiting for progressions.
  hideEmpty: Boolean
  Return sets that contain a bye
  showByes: Boolean
  Only return Sets that are in an Online event. If omitted, Sets for both online and offline Events are returned
  isEventOnline: Boolean
  Only return Sets in certain geographical areas.
  location: SetFilterLocation
  Only return Sets for these Participants
  participantIds: [ID]
  Only return Sets in these PhaseGroups
  phaseGroupIds: [ID]
  Only return Sets in these Phases
  phaseIds: [ID]
  Only return Sets in these Events
  eventIds: [ID]
  Only return Sets in these Tournaments
  tournamentIds: [ID]
  Only return Sets for these Players
  playerIds: [ID]
  Only return Sets for these Rounds
  roundNumber: Int
  Only returns Sets that are in these states
  state: [Int]
  Only return Sets that are assigned to these Station IDs
  stationIds: [ID]
  Only return Sets that are assigned to these Station numbers
  stationNumbers: [Int]
  Only return sets created or updated since this timestamp
  updatedAfter: Timestamp

Filter Sets by geographical constraints.
input SetFilterLocation {
  Only return Sets in this state. Only applicable to US states
  state: String
  Only return Sets in this country. Expects a valid two-letter country code
  country: String
  distanceFrom: SetFilterLocationDistanceFrom

Only return Sets that are a certain distance away from a specified point
input SetFilterLocationDistanceFrom {
  Point at which to perform distance calculation
  point: SetFilterLocationDistanceFromPoint
  Distance from the point to include results in
  radius: String

input SetFilterLocationDistanceFromPoint {
  lat: Float
  lon: Float

type SetConnection {
  pageInfo: PageInfo
  nodes: [Set]

A set
type Set {
  id: ID
  The time this set was marked as completed
  completedAt: Timestamp
  The time this set was created
  createdAt: Timestamp
  displayScore(mainEntrantId: ID): String
  Event that this set belongs to.
  event: Event
  Full round text of this set.
  fullRoundText: String
  game(orderNum: Int!): Game
  games: [Game]
  Whether this set contains a placeholder entrant
  hasPlaceholder: Boolean
  The letters that describe a unique identifier within the pool. Eg. F, AT
  identifier: String
  images(type: String): [Image]
  lPlacement: Int
  Phase group that this Set belongs to.
  phaseGroup: PhaseGroup
  The round number of the set. Negative numbers are losers bracket
  round: Int
  Indicates whether the set is in best of or total games mode. This instructs
  which field is used to figure out how many games are in this set.
  setGamesType: Int
  A possible spot in a set. Use this to get all entrants in a set. Use this for all bracket types (FFA, elimination, etc)
  slots(includeByes: Boolean = false): [SetSlot]
  The start time of the Set. If there is no startAt time on the Set, will pull it from phaseGroup rounds configuration.
  startAt: Timestamp
  startedAt: Timestamp
  state: Int
  Tournament event station for a set
  station: Stations
  Tournament event stream for a set
  stream: Streams
  If setGamesType is in total games mode, this defined the number of games in the set.
  totalGames: Int
  Url of a VOD for this set
  vodUrl: String
  wPlacement: Int
  winnerId: Int

A game represents a single game within a set.
type Game {
  id: ID
  images(type: String): [Image]
  orderNum: Int
  Selections for this game such as character, etc.
  selections: [GameSelection]
  The stage that this game was played on (if applicable)
  stage: Stage
  state: Int
  winnerId: Int

An image
type Image {
  id: ID
  height: Float
  ratio: Float
  type: String
  url: String
  width: Float

A selection for this game. i.e. character/stage selection, etc
type GameSelection {
  id: ID
  The entrant who this selection is for
  entrant: Entrant
  orderNum: Int
  The participant who this selection is for. This is only populated if there are
  selections for multiple participants of a single entrant
  participant: Participant
  selectionType: GameSelectionType
  selectionValue: Int

A participant of a tournament; either a spectator or competitor
type Participant {
  id: ID
  If this participant was checked-in by admin
  checkedIn: Boolean
  The time this participant was checked-in by admin
  checkedInAt: Timestamp
  Info for connected accounts to external services.
  connectedAccounts: JSON
  Contact Info selected during registration. Falls back to User.location and/or
  User.name if necessary. These fields are for admin use only. If you are not a
  tournament admin or the participant being queried, these fields will be null.
  Do not display this information publicly.
  contactInfo: ContactInfo
  Email of the user, only available to admins within 18 months of tournament completion for tournament administrators.
  email: String
  Entrants associated with this Participant, if applicable
  entrants: [Entrant]
  The events this participant registered for within a Tournament.
  events: [Event]
  The tag that was used when the participant registered, e.g. Mang0
  gamerTag: String
  images(type: String): [Image]
  player: Player
  The prefix that the user set for this Tournament, e.g. C9
  prefix: String
  Tournament Admin viewable field. Shows details for required social connections
  requiredConnections: [ProfileAuthorization]
  The user this participant is associated to.
  user: User
  If this participant is verified as actually being in the tournament
  verified: Boolean

Name, address, etc
type ContactInfo {
  id: ID
  Participant City Name
  city: String
  Participant Country Name
  country: String
  Participant Country (region) id
  countryId: Int
  name: String
  First Name
  nameFirst: String
  Last Name
  nameLast: String
  Participant State Name
  state: String
  Participant State (region) id
  stateId: Int
  Zip or Postal Code
  zipcode: String

A player
type Player {
  id: ID
  gamerTag: String
  prefix: String
  Most recent active & published rankings
  rankings(limit: Int, videogameId: ID): [PlayerRank]
  Recent standings
    videogameId: ID
    Number of recent standings to fetch. Default value is 3. Maximum value is 20.
    limit: Int
  ): [Standing]
  Set history for this player.
    page: Int
    perPage: Int
    Supported filter options to filter down set results.
    filters: SetFilters
  ): SetConnection
  user: User

A player's ranks
type PlayerRank {
  id: ID
  The player's placement on the ranking
  rank: Int
  title: String

A standing indicates the placement of something within a container.
type Standing {
  id: ID
  The containing entity that contextualizes this standing. Event standings, for
  example, represent an entrant's standing in the entire event vs. Set standings
  which is an entrant's standing in only a single set within an event.
  container: StandingContainer
  If the entity this standing is assigned to can be resolved into an entrant, this will provide the entrant.
  entrant: Entrant
  isFinal: Boolean
  Metadata that goes along with this standing. Can take on different forms based on standing group type and settings.
  metadata: JSON
  placement: Int
  The player(s) tied to this standing's entity
  player: Player
  stats: StandingStats
  totalPoints: Float

The containing entity that this standing is for
union StandingContainer = Tournament | Event | PhaseGroup | Set

A tournament
type Tournament {
  id: ID
  addrState: String
  Admin-only view of admins for this tournament
    Which roles to show
    roles: [String]
  ): [User]
  city: String
  countryCode: String
  When the tournament was created (unix timestamp)
  createdAt: Timestamp
  currency: String
  When the tournament ends
  endAt: Timestamp
  When does event registration close
  eventRegistrationClosesAt: Timestamp
  events(limit: Int, filter: EventFilter): [Event]
  True if tournament has at least one offline event
  hasOfflineEvents: Boolean
  hasOnlineEvents: Boolean
  hashtag: String
  images(type: String): [Image]
  True if tournament has at least one online event
  isOnline: Boolean
  Is tournament registration open
  isRegistrationOpen: Boolean
  lat: Float
  links: TournamentLinks
  lng: Float
  mapsPlaceId: String
  The tournament name
  name: String
  Number of attendees including spectators, if public
  numAttendees: Int
  The user who created the tournament
  owner: User
  Paginated, queryable list of participants
  participants(query: ParticipantPaginationQuery!, isAdmin: Boolean): ParticipantConnection
  postalCode: String
  primaryContact: String
  primaryContactType: String
  Publishing settings for this tournament
  publishing: JSON
  When does registration for the tournament end
  registrationClosesAt: Timestamp
  rules: String
  The short slug used to form the url
  shortSlug: String
  The slug used to form the url
  slug: String
  When the tournament Starts
  startAt: Timestamp
  State of the tournament, can be ActivityState::CREATED, ActivityState::ACTIVE, or ActivityState::COMPLETED
  state: Int
  stations(page: Int, perPage: Int): StationsConnection
  streamQueue: [StreamQueue]
  streams: [Streams]
  When is the team creation deadline
  teamCreationClosesAt: Timestamp
  Paginated, queryable list of teams
  teams(query: TeamPaginationQuery!): TeamConnection
  The timezone of the tournament
  timezone: String
  The type of tournament from TournamentType
  tournamentType: Int
  When the tournament was last modified (unix timestamp)
  updatedAt: Timestamp
  Build Tournament URL
    Tournament tab to add to URL
    tab: String
    Generate a relative URL. Defaults to true. Setting to false will generate an absolute URL
    relative: Boolean = true
  ): String
  venueAddress: String
  venueName: String
  List of all waves in this tournament
  waves: [Wave]

input EventFilter {
  videogameId: [ID]
  type: [Int]
  published: Boolean
  id: ID
  ids: [ID]
  slug: String
  fantasyEventId: ID
  fantasyRosterHash: String

type TournamentLinks {
  facebook: String
  discord: String

input ParticipantPaginationQuery {
  page: Int = 1
  How many nodes to return for the page. Maximum value of 500
  perPage: Int = 25
  sortBy: String
  filter: ParticipantPageFilter

input ParticipantPageFilter {
  id: ID
  ids: [ID]
  eventIds: [ID]
  search: PaginationSearchType
  gamerTag: String
  unpaid: Boolean
  incompleteTeam: Boolean
  missingDeck: Boolean
  checkedIn: Boolean
  notCheckedIn: Boolean

type ParticipantConnection {
  pageInfo: PageInfo
  nodes: [Participant]

type StationsConnection {
  pageInfo: PageInfo
  nodes: [Stations]

Stations, such as a stream setup, at an event
type Stations {
  id: ID
  canAutoAssign: Boolean
  clusterNumber: String
  clusterPrefix: Int
  enabled: Boolean
  identifier: Int
  numSetups: Int
  number: Int
  prefix: String
  queue: JSON
  queueDepth: Int
  state: Int
  updatedAt: Timestamp

A Stream queue object
type StreamQueue {
  id: String
  The sets on the stream
  sets: [Set]
  The stream on the queue
  stream: Streams

Tournament Stream
type Streams {
  id: ID
  enabled: Boolean
  followerCount: Int
  isOnline: Boolean
  numSetups: Int
  parentStreamId: Int
  streamGame: String
  streamId: String
  streamLogo: String
  streamName: String
  streamSource: StreamSource
  streamStatus: String
  streamType: Int
  streamTypeId: Int

Represents the source of a stream
enum StreamSource {
  Stream is on twitch.tv channel
  Stream is on smashcast.tv channel
  Stream is on a stream.me channel
  Stream is on a mixer.com channel

input TeamPaginationQuery {
  page: Int = 1
  How many nodes to return for the page. Maximum value of 500
  perPage: Int = 25
  sortBy: String
  filter: TeamPaginationFilter

input TeamPaginationFilter {
  globalTeamId: ID
  eventState: ActivityState
  eventId: ID
  eventIds: [ID]
  minEntrantCount: Int
  maxEntrantCount: Int
  search: PaginationSearchType
  type: Int
  tournamentId: ID
  memberStatus: [TeamMemberStatus]
  videogameId: [ID]
  isLeague: Boolean
  upcoming: Boolean
  past: Boolean
  rosterComplete: Boolean
  rosterIncomplete: Boolean

Represents the state of an activity
enum ActivityState {
  Activity is created
  Activity is active or in progress
  Activity is done
  Activity is ready to be started
  Activity is invalid
  Activity, like a set, has been called to start
  Activity is queued to run

Membership status of a team member
enum TeamMemberStatus {








type TeamConnection {
  pageInfo: PageInfo
  nodes: [Team]

A team, either at the global level or within the context of an event
interface Team {
  id: ID
  Uniquely identifying token for team. Same as the hashed part of the slug
  discriminator: String
  images(type: String): [Image]
  members(status: [TeamMemberStatus]): [TeamMember]
  name: String

A member of a team
type TeamMember {
  id: ID
  isAlternate: Boolean
  isCaptain: Boolean
  The type of the team member
  memberType: TeamMemberType
  participant: Participant
  player: Player
  The status of the team member
  status: TeamMemberStatus

Membership type of a team member
enum TeamMemberType {



A wave in a tournament
type Wave {
  id: ID
  The Wave Identifier
  identifier: String
  Unix time the wave is scheduled to start.
  startAt: Timestamp

A group within a phase
type PhaseGroup {
  id: ID
  The bracket type of this group's phase.
  bracketType: BracketType
  URL for this phase groups's bracket.
  bracketUrl: String
  Unique identifier for this group within the context of its phase
  displayIdentifier: String
  For the given phase group, this is the start time of the first round that occurs in the group.
  firstRoundTime: Timestamp
  numRounds: Int
  The phase associated with this phase group
  phase: Phase
  The progressions out of this phase group
  progressionsOut: [Progression]
  rounds: [Round]
  seedMap: JSON
  Paginated seeds for this phase group
  seeds(query: SeedPaginationQuery!, eventId: ID): SeedConnection
  Paginated sets on this phaseGroup
    page: Int
    perPage: Int
    How to sort these sets
    sortType: SetSortType
    Supported filter options to filter down set results.
    filters: SetFilters
  ): SetConnection
  Paginated list of standings
  standings(query: StandingGroupStandingPageFilter): StandingConnection
  Unix time the group is scheduled to start. This info could also be on the wave instead.
  startAt: Timestamp
  state: Int
  tiebreakOrder: JSON
  wave: Wave

The type of Bracket format that a Phase is configured with.
enum BracketType {











input SeedPaginationQuery {
  page: Int = 1
  How many nodes to return for the page. Maximum value of 500
  perPage: Int = 25
  sortBy: String
  filter: SeedPageFilter

input SeedPageFilter {
  id: ID
  entrantName: String
  checkInState: [Int]
  phaseGroupId: [ID]
  eventCheckInGroupId: ID
  phaseId: [ID]
  eventId: ID
  search: PaginationSearchType

type SeedConnection {
  pageInfo: PageInfo
  nodes: [Seed]

A seed for an entrant
type Seed {
  id: ID
  Map of Participant ID to checked in boolean
  checkedInParticipants: JSON
  entrant: Entrant
  groupSeedNum: Int
  isBye: Boolean
  phase: Phase
  phaseGroup: PhaseGroup
  placeholderName: String
  placement: Int
  The player(s) associated with this seed's entrant
  players: [Player]
  progressionSeedId: Int
  Source progression information
  progressionSource: Progression
  seedNum: Int
  Entrant's win/loss record for this standing. Scores do not include byes.
  setRecordWithoutByes(phaseGroupId: ID!): JSON
    The container of the standing groups to get standings for. If null, will return all standings.
    containerType: String
  ): [Standing]

A phase in an event
type Phase {
  id: ID
  The bracket type of this phase.
  bracketType: BracketType
  The Event that this phase belongs to
  event: Event
  Number of phase groups in this phase
  groupCount: Int
  Is the phase an exhibition or not.
  isExhibition: Boolean
  Name of phase e.g. Round 1 Pools
  name: String
  The number of seeds this phase contains.
  numSeeds: Int
  Phase groups under this phase, paginated
  phaseGroups(query: PhaseGroupPageQuery): PhaseGroupConnection
  The relative order of this phase within an event
  phaseOrder: Int
  Paginated seeds for this phase
  seeds(query: SeedPaginationQuery!, eventId: ID): SeedConnection
  Paginated sets for this Phase
    page: Int
    perPage: Int
    How to sort these sets
    sortType: SetSortType
    Supported filter options to filter down set results.
    filters: SetFilters
  ): SetConnection
  State of the phase
  state: ActivityState
  waves: [Wave]

input PhaseGroupPageQuery {
  page: Int
  perPage: Int
  sortBy: String
  entrantIds: [ID]
  filter: PhaseGroupPageQueryFilter

input PhaseGroupPageQueryFilter {
  id: [ID]
  waveId: ID

type PhaseGroupConnection {
  pageInfo: PageInfo
  nodes: [PhaseGroup]

A connection between a placement in an origin phase group to a destination seed.
type Progression {
  id: ID
  originOrder: Int
  originPhase: Phase
  originPhaseGroup: PhaseGroup
  originPlacement: Int

A round within a phase group
type Round {
  id: ID
  If applicable, bestOf is the number of games
  									one must win a majority out of to win a set in this round
  bestOf: Int
  Indicates this round's order in the phase group
  number: Int
  The time that this round is scheduled to start at
  startAt: Timestamp

input StandingGroupStandingPageFilter {
  page: Int
  perPage: Int
  sortBy: String

type StandingConnection {
  pageInfo: PageInfo
  nodes: [Standing]

Any stats related to this standing. This type is experimental and very likely to change in the future.
type StandingStats {
  score: Score

The score that led to this standing being awarded. The meaning of this field can
vary by standing type and is not used for some standing types.
type Score {
  The name of this score. e.g. "Kills" or "Stocks"
  label: String
  The raw score value
  value: Float
  Like value, but formatted for race format events. Formatted according to the race config for the front end to use.
  displayValue: String

The type of selection i.e. is it for a character or something else
enum GameSelectionType {
  Character selection

Video Stage
type Stage {
  id: ID
  Stage name
  name: String

A slot in a set where a seed currently or will eventually exist in order to participate in the set.
type SetSlot {
  id: ID
  entrant: Entrant
  Pairs with prereqType, is the ID of the prereq.
  prereqId: String
  Given a set prereq type, defines the placement required in the origin set to end up in this slot.
  prereqPlacement: Int
  Describes where the entity in this slot comes from.
  prereqType: String
  seed: Seed
  The index of the slot. Unique per set.
  slotIndex: Int
  The standing within this set for the seed currently assigned to this slot.
  standing: Standing

A league
type League {
  id: ID
  addrState: String
  city: String
  countryCode: String
  When the tournament was created (unix timestamp)
  createdAt: Timestamp
  currency: String
  When the tournament ends
  endAt: Timestamp
  entrantCount: Int
  eventOwners(query: EventOwnersQuery): EventOwnerConnection
  When does event registration close
  eventRegistrationClosesAt: Timestamp
  Paginated list of events in a league
  events(query: LeagueEventsQuery): EventConnection
  True if tournament has at least one offline event
  hasOfflineEvents: Boolean
  hasOnlineEvents: Boolean
  hashtag: String
  images(type: String): [Image]
  True if tournament has at least one online event
  isOnline: Boolean
  lat: Float
  links: TournamentLinks
  lng: Float
  mapsPlaceId: String
  The tournament name
  name: String
  numUniquePlayers: Int
  postalCode: String
  primaryContact: String
  primaryContactType: String
  Publishing settings for this tournament
  publishing: JSON
  When does registration for the tournament end
  registrationClosesAt: Timestamp
  rules: String
  The short slug used to form the url
  shortSlug: String
  Whether standings for this league should be visible
  showStandings: Boolean
  slug: String
  Paginated list of standings
  standings(query: StandingGroupStandingPageFilter): StandingConnection
  When the tournament Starts
  startAt: Timestamp
  State of the tournament, can be ActivityState::CREATED, ActivityState::ACTIVE, or ActivityState::COMPLETED
  state: Int
  When is the team creation deadline
  teamCreationClosesAt: Timestamp
  tiers: [EventTier]
  The timezone of the tournament
  timezone: String
  The type of tournament from TournamentType
  tournamentType: Int
  When the tournament was last modified (unix timestamp)
  updatedAt: Timestamp
  Build Tournament URL
    Tournament tab to add to URL
    tab: String
    Generate a relative URL. Defaults to true. Setting to false will generate an absolute URL
    relative: Boolean = true
  ): String
  venueAddress: String
  venueName: String
  videogames: [Videogame]

input EventOwnersQuery {
  page: Int = 1
  How many nodes to return for the page. Maximum value of 500
  perPage: Int = 25
  sortBy: String

type EventOwnerConnection {
  pageInfo: PageInfo
  nodes: [EventOwner]

Name and Gamertag of the owner of an event in a league
type EventOwner {
  eventId: ID
  email: String
  gamerTag: String
  fullName: String

input LeagueEventsQuery {
  page: Int = 1
  How many nodes to return for the page. Maximum value of 500
  perPage: Int = 25
  sortBy: String
  filter: LeagueEventsFilter

input LeagueEventsFilter {
  search: PaginationSearchType
  pointMappingGroupIds: [ID]
  tierIds: [ID]
  userId: ID
  upcoming: Boolean
  leagueEntrantId: ID

Used for league application tiers
type EventTier {
  id: ID
  Name of this tier
  name: String

A videogame
type Videogame {
  id: ID
  All characters for this videogame
  characters: [Character]
  displayName: String
  images(type: String): [Image]
  name: String
  slug: String

A character in a videogame
type Character {
  id: ID
  images(type: String): [Image]
  Name of Character
  name: String

input StandingPaginationQuery {
  page: Int = 1
  How many nodes to return for the page. Maximum value of 500
  perPage: Int = 25
  sortBy: String
  filter: StandingPageFilter

input StandingPageFilter {
  id: ID
  ids: [ID]
  search: PaginationSearchType

input StationFilter {
  page: Int
  perPage: Int

Team roster size requirements
type TeamRosterSize {
  maxAlternates: Int
  maxPlayers: Int
  minAlternates: Int
  minPlayers: Int

input UserLeaguesPaginationQuery {
  page: Int = 1
  How many nodes to return for the page. Maximum value of 500
  perPage: Int = 25
  sortBy: String
  filter: UserLeaguesPaginationFilter

input UserLeaguesPaginationFilter {
  videogameId: [ID]
  upcoming: Boolean
  past: Boolean
  search: PaginationSearchType

type LeagueConnection {
  pageInfo: PageInfo
  nodes: [League]

A user's address
type Address {
  id: ID
  city: String
  country: String
  countryId: Int
  state: String
  stateId: Int

input UserTournamentsPaginationQuery {
  page: Int = 1
  How many nodes to return for the page. Maximum value of 500
  perPage: Int = 25
  sortBy: String
  filter: UserTournamentsPaginationFilter

input UserTournamentsPaginationFilter {
  past: Boolean
  upcoming: Boolean
  search: PaginationSearchType
  videogameId: [ID]
  tournamentView: String
  excludeId: [ID]

type TournamentConnection {
  pageInfo: PageInfo
  nodes: [Tournament]

input LeagueQuery {
  page: Int = 1
  How many nodes to return for the page. Maximum value of 500
  perPage: Int = 25
  sortBy: String
  filter: LeaguePageFilter
  sort: TournamentPaginationSort

input LeaguePageFilter {
  id: ID
  ids: [ID]
  ID of the user that owns this league.
  ownerId: ID
  afterDate: Timestamp
  beforeDate: Timestamp
  computedUpdatedAt: Timestamp
  name: String
  isFeatured: Boolean
  hasBannerImages: Boolean
  activeShops: Boolean
  past: Boolean
  published: Boolean
  publiclySearchable: Boolean
  upcoming: Boolean
  videogameIds: [ID]

enum TournamentPaginationSort {





A shop
type Shop {
  id: ID
  levels(query: ShopLevelsQuery): ShopLevelConnection
  messages(query: ShopOrderMessagesQuery): ShopOrderMessageConnection
  name: String
  slug: String
  url: String

input ShopLevelsQuery {
  page: Int = 1
  How many nodes to return for the page. Maximum value of 500
  perPage: Int = 25
  sortBy: String

type ShopLevelConnection {
  pageInfo: PageInfo
  nodes: [ShopLevel]

A shop level
type ShopLevel {
  id: ID
  currAmount: Float
  description: String
  goalAmount: Float
  images(type: String): [Image]
  name: String

input ShopOrderMessagesQuery {
  page: Int = 1
  How many nodes to return for the page. Maximum value of 500
  perPage: Int = 25
  sortBy: String

type ShopOrderMessageConnection {
  pageInfo: PageInfo
  nodes: [ShopOrderMessage]

The message and player info for a shop order
type ShopOrderMessage {
  id: ID
  The player's gamertag. Returns null if anonymous message type
  gamertag: String
  The order message
  message: String
  The player's name. Returns null unless name & tag display is selected
  name: String
  The player who left the comment
  player: Player
  The total order amount
  total: Float

input TournamentQuery {
  page: Int = 1
  How many nodes to return for the page. Maximum value of 500
  perPage: Int = 25
  sortBy: String
  filter: TournamentPageFilter
  sort: TournamentPaginationSort

input TournamentPageFilter {
  id: ID
  ids: [ID]
  ID of the user that owns this tournament.
  ownerId: ID
  If true, filter to only tournaments the currently authed user is an admin of
  isCurrentUserAdmin: Boolean
  countryCode: String
  addrState: String
  location: TournamentLocationFilter
  afterDate: Timestamp
  beforeDate: Timestamp
  computedUpdatedAt: Timestamp
  name: String
  venueName: String
  isFeatured: Boolean
  isLeague: Boolean
  hasBannerImages: Boolean
  activeShops: Boolean
  regOpen: Boolean
  past: Boolean
  published: Boolean
  publiclySearchable: Boolean
  staffPicks: Boolean
  hasOnlineEvents: Boolean
  topGames: TopGameFilter
  upcoming: Boolean
  videogameIds: [ID]
  sortByScore: Boolean

input TournamentLocationFilter {
  Latitude, Longitude
  distanceFrom: String
  e.g. 50mi
  distance: String

input TopGameFilter {
  Array of which # top game you want to filter on.e.g. [2, 3] will filter on the 2nd and 3rd top games
  gameNums: [Int]

input VideogameQuery {
  page: Int = 1
  How many nodes to return for the page. Maximum value of 500
  perPage: Int = 25
  sortBy: String
  filter: VideogamePageFilter

input VideogamePageFilter {
  id: [ID]
  name: String
  forUser: ID

type VideogameConnection {
  pageInfo: PageInfo
  nodes: [Videogame]

type Mutation {
  Delete a phase by id
  deletePhase(phaseId: ID!): Boolean
  Delete a station by id
  deleteStation(stationId: ID!): Boolean
  Delete a wave by id
  deleteWave(waveId: ID!): Boolean
  Automatically attempt to resolve all schedule conflicts. Returns a list of changed seeds
  resolveScheduleConflicts(tournamentId: ID!, options: ResolveConflictsOptions): [Seed]
  Swap two seed ids in a phase
  swapSeeds(phaseId: ID!, seed1Id: ID!, seed2Id: ID!): [Seed]
  Update set of phase groups in a phase
  updatePhaseGroups(groupConfigs: [PhaseGroupUpdateInput]!): [PhaseGroup]
  Update the seeding for a phase
  updatePhaseSeeding(phaseId: ID!, seedMapping: [UpdatePhaseSeedInfo]!, options: UpdatePhaseSeedingOptions): Phase
  Create or update a Phase
  upsertPhase(phaseId: ID, eventId: ID, payload: PhaseUpsertInput!): Phase
  Add or update a station by id
  upsertStation(stationId: ID, tournamentId: ID, fields: StationUpsertInput!): Stations
  Add or update a wave by id
  upsertWave(waveId: ID, tournamentId: ID, fields: WaveUpsertInput!): Wave

input ResolveConflictsOptions {
  lockedSeeds: [ResolveConflictsLockedSeedConfig]

input ResolveConflictsLockedSeedConfig {
  eventId: ID!
  numSeeds: Int!

input PhaseGroupUpdateInput {
  phaseGroupId: ID!
  stationId: ID
  waveId: ID

input UpdatePhaseSeedInfo {
  seedId: ID!
  seedNum: ID!
  phaseGroupId: ID

input UpdatePhaseSeedingOptions {
  Validate that seedMapping exactly accounts for all entrants in the phase
  strictMode: Boolean

input PhaseUpsertInput {
  The name of the Phase. For example, "Top 8" or "Pools"
  name: String
  The number of pools to configure for the Phase. Only applies to brackets that support pools
  groupCount: Int
  bracketType: BracketType

input StationUpsertInput {
  number: Int!
  clusterId: ID

input WaveUpsertInput {
  identifier: String!
  startAt: Timestamp!
  endAt: Timestamp!

A set of actions available for an entity to take
interface ActionSet {
  id: ID

Bracket-specific configuration
interface BracketConfig {
  id: ID
  bracketType: BracketType

Comparison operator
enum Comparator {






An event-level Team, in the context of some competition
type EventTeam implements Team {
  id: ID
  Uniquely identifying token for team. Same as the hashed part of the slug
  discriminator: String
  globalTeam: GlobalTeam
  images(type: String): [Image]
  members(status: [TeamMemberStatus]): [TeamMember]
  name: String

Global Team
type GlobalTeam implements Team {
  id: ID
  Uniquely identifying token for team. Same as the hashed part of the slug
  discriminator: String
  eventTeams(query: TeamPaginationQuery): EventTeamConnection
  images(type: String): [Image]
  Leagues-level teams for leagues this team is competing in
  leagueTeams(query: TeamPaginationQuery): EventTeamConnection
  members(status: [TeamMemberStatus]): [TeamMember]
  name: String

type EventTeamConnection {
  pageInfo: PageInfo
  nodes: [EventTeam]

Match-level configuration
interface MatchConfig {
  id: ID
  bracketType: BracketType

Different options available for verifying player-reported match results
enum MatchConfigVerificationMethod {






Race specific bracket configuration
type RaceBracketConfig implements BracketConfig {
  automaticEndTime: Timestamp
  id: ID
  automaticStartTime: Timestamp
  bracketType: BracketType
  goalTargetComparator: Comparator
  goalTargetValue: String
  limitMode: RaceLimitMode
  limitValue: Int
  raceType: RaceType

Enforces limits on the amount of allowable Race submissions
enum RaceLimitMode {




Race type
enum RaceType {



Race specific match configuration
type RaceMatchConfig implements MatchConfig {
  id: ID
  bracketType: BracketType
  Can players report results?
  playerReportingEnabled: Boolean
  Accepted methods of verification that players can use
  verificationMethods: [MatchConfigVerificationMethod]
  Are players required to submit verification of their reported results?
  verificationRequired: Boolean

A set of actions available for a team to take
type TeamActionSet implements ActionSet {
  id: ID